Municipal Bureau of urban and rural development held training meeting on building energy conservation and green building supervision and management

Relevant comrades from the construction administrative departments of the county, district (Development Zone) and Wanli Administration Bureau, the energy conservation section of the Bureau and the Municipal Quality Supervision Station attended the meeting


At the meeting, business guidance was given on the relevant policies, supervision and management points and common problems of building energy conservation and green building


In order to further standardize the market behavior of building energy conservation and green building in our city, strengthen the supervision of building energy conservation and green building, and strengthen the construction quality control, the Municipal Bureau of urban and rural development held a business training meeting on the supervision and management of building energy conservation and green building on the afternoon of February 2, 2021


Chi Jianlin, member of the party leading group and deputy director of the Bureau, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech


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The meeting put forward requirements for building energy conservation and green building development and supervision and management: first, further unify thinking, improve understanding, and effectively enhance the sense of responsibility and mission for the development of green buildings; second, further clarify objectives, implement responsibilities, and effectively ensure the implementation of the task requirements for the development of green buildings; third, further innovate methods, work together, and effectively improve the quality of green buildings Develop the service supervision ability of green building



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