Maoming ancient post road, Xinyi post road, architecture (5)

On June 18, 2000, the people’s Government of Xinyi City announced that “Zhongshan Park” is a cultural relic protection unit at the county (city) level


The first floor is made of urn


In April 2019, wenmingmen was selected as the ninth batch of provincial cultural relics protection units in Guangdong


In February 1998, it was announced as a cultural relic protection unit by Maoming Municipal People’s government


(the photos are provided by the Local Records Office of Maoming Municipal People’s government, except for the signature.)


It is surrounded by six corners, with two buttresses and six columns


Because Li Yixiang and his younger brother Li Yichang passed the examination of Jiaxu Jinshi, the emperor granted a plaque “brother Jinshi Di”


It is about 7 meters high and covers an area of 54 square meters


The whole building is more than 30 meters high, 24 meters wide and 14 meters deep


It was originally the South Gate of Xinyi ancient city


In 1947, it was rebuilt


Tiesuo bridge (photo provided by Yan Xinming) Tiesuo bridge, located in Zhongtang administrative village, Huaixiang Town, Xinyi City, is the longest span Tiesuo bridge in western Guangdong


It is also called “Red Mansion”


In 1813, Liang Yijia, a gentleman of the Qing Dynasty, proposed to move the south gate to the south of the front of the Academy, which was named “gate of civilization” with the meaning of “building a Jiege on Qingyun Road, presenting Qina and showing off civilization”


Sun Yat Sen Memorial Pavilion (Photo by Chen Kelin) the Sun Yat Sen Memorial Pavilion is located in the campus of Longzhong middle school in Xinyi town


There is a copy of the couplet of Ji Xiaolan, the Minister of rites, in the Jinshi Section of the brothers, which reads: “the southern suburb Neo Confucianism promotes the two scholars, and the Western Shu family is envious of the two su.”


It was built in 1754 and rebuilt in 2008


During the period of the Republic of China, the pavilion was built in the Sun Yat Sen park behind the government of Xinyi county


On the door is engraved with a couplet: “the filial son of the filial son of the weak age is passed on by the supreme nature, and the loyal minister of the strong age comes after the loyal minister”


Ruzong memorial archway in Yijun (Photo by Luo Yanmei) located in Bafang administrative village, Zhenlong Town, Xinyi City, was built in 1837 and rebuilt in 2003


It has a mixed structure of brick, wood, cement and steel bars There are steps up and down in front and back symmetry


In the 13th year of Shunzhi (1656) of Qing Dynasty, the city walls were built and four gate buildings were built


Sun Yat Sen


It has two floors


The four words “Ruzong in Yijun” on the memorial archway were inscribed by Lin Zhaotang, the number one scholar in Qing Dynasty


The bridge is 107 meters long, 1.5 meters wide and 10 meters high, spanning the Huanghua river


The building belongs to the “common hall style” platform structure, with large roof, high platform foundation, drum and Deng style column foundation, beam lifting roof truss, lotus supporting arch under the eaves, cornice angle, red walls and green tiles, magnificent and antique


The pavilion is engraved with the five characters of “Zhongshan Memorial Pavilion”, in which there is a round platform built to commemorate the great revolutionary pioneer Dr


The gate tower, stele square, pavilion and bridge gate of shizhiyi road in Maoming (photo provided by Luo Yanmei) is located at the gate of Wenming street, Bafang administrative village, Longzhen Town, Xinyi town


It was built in the summer of 1930


The building imitates the style of a palace


Brother jinshidi (Photo by Luo Yanmei) brother jinshidi is located in Bafang administrative village, Zhenlong Town, Xinyi City


Later, the board was damaged and the bridge deck was strengthened with iron plates


The middle arch is 4.73 meters high, 4.4 meters wide and 10.55 meters deep



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