[jianjiantong] the new book “Research on judicial appraisal method of construction project cost” tells you how to do judicial appraisal of

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However, following the procedures, methods and ways of thinking of the cost industry to carry out the judicial appraisal of project cost, there will be many problems, and even lead to the invalidation, irrationality and unacceptability of the appraisal opinions, which will bring trouble to the parties and great trouble to the trial work of the people’s court.

Chapter V relevant rules and regulations (excerpt) this chapter is mainly for the convenience of readers to read and consult.

It is divided into five chapters.

Chapter III research on appraisal methods of lump sum contract this chapter mainly includes the appraisal of lump sum contract according to unit price (fully completed), appraisal of lump sum contract according to unit price (partially completed), appraisal of lump sum contract (fully completed), appraisal of lump sum contract (partially completed) Risk and applicability analysis of different identification methods for completed projects in fixed price contract.

Fully understand the differences between project cost and judicial appraisal of project cost.

It includes how to deal with the valuation basis and standard not agreed in the contract as the appraiser, whether the market price can be used to determine the project appraisal cost in the appraisal opinions, the cost composition of the appraisal project price of invalid contract, subcontracting and illegal subcontracting, and whether the appraisal project price of contract should deduct profits and taxes.

Dong Xiongyong’s second monograph after the 2017 study on the calculation system of construction project claim cost.

Scaffolding Walk Boards

According to the author’s many years of appraisal experience and theoretical research, this paper comprehensively expounds, studies and analyzes the judicial appraisal method of construction project cost.

The first chapter, judicial appraisal of project cost, this chapter mainly discusses in depth and in detail the basic contents such as what is judicial appraisal, the requirements of judicial appraisal business for appraisers and appraisal institutions, how to calculate the appraisal cost, the time limit of appraisal by the court and the need for cross examination in court.

A large part of technicians in the industry will be specialized in this field.

    (source: integrated on the Internet, the picture and copyright belong to the original author.

Like the whole process consultation, it is an important part of the project cost industry at present and in the future.

Construction communication media ID: jianzhong001 project cost judicial appraisal business is recognized in the industry at present.

Establish the basic ideas and principles of appraisal.

  The book, with a total of more than 600000 words (435 pages), is Mr.

Dong Xiongyong’s new book “Research on the calculation system of construction project claim cost”, starts from the basic concept of project cost judicial appraisal, studies and expounds some problems encountered in the appraisal work through more than 40 different types of large and small cases, and makes a more comprehensive research and exposition on the project cost judicial appraisal from the perspective of cost workers and practitioners.


Interested friends, including 120 yuan, can contact the author, Dong Gong (wechat), 18669074891! Since the author works in Kunming, Yunnan Province, he also welcomes friends nearby and friends from all over the country to come and communicate together.

Chapter IV research on appraisal methods of unit price contract this chapter includes the cost components of unit price (partial comprehensive and full cost), change risk caused by changes in quantities, missing items and missing items in the bill of quantities, overstatement and understatement of quotation, appraisal of unit price contract dispute cases without drawings and visas, etc.

It has strong practical guidance and can be used as a good reference book for appraisal workers and appraisal related participants.

Some main relevant laws, regulations, specifications and procedures that are often used and consulted in the process of judicial appraisal of project cost will be partially or completely quoted.

If you are a professional engineering lawyer, project cost consultant or other project participants (construction, owner, supervisor and monitoring), as long as you carefully read this book, I believe you will have unexpected gains.

Chapter II valuation basis the main contents of this chapter are related to valuation.


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