[jianjiantong] great change in cost! The Ministry of housing and urban rural development solicits opinions on the management measures for

149) are deleted in this revision.

Please give us your written comments before November 15.

Article 11 a project cost consulting enterprise shall not commit the following acts: (1) allow other enterprises to engage in cost consulting activities in the name of the enterprise; (2) subcontract or undertake the project cost consulting business subcontracted by others; (3) Assist others to apply for cost engineer registration in the enterprise by means of fraud; (IV) unfair competition by giving rebates and maliciously lowering fees; (V) accept the project cost consulting business of the employer and the contractor, the tenderee and the bidder, and two or more bidders for the same project at the same time; (VI) Issue false, untrue or misleading project cost achievement documents; (VII) undertake the project cost consulting business audited, reviewed, and the auditee has an interest in the enterprise; (VIII) other acts prohibited by laws and regulations..

Information management includes: basic information, employment information (including project cost achievement documents), trustworthy information and dishonest information of project cost consulting enterprises and registered cost engineers.

The main amendments specifically revised the following aspects: first, delete the relevant provisions on the qualification of engineering cost consulting enterprises.

About Revised description of the measures for the administration of engineering cost consulting enterprises and the measures for the administration of registered cost engineers Annex 1: Measures for the administration of engineering cost consulting industry (Draft for comments) Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 of the standard quota Department of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development on October 29, 2021   These measures are formulated in accordance with the construction law of the people’s Republic of China, the administrative license law of the people’s Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations in order to improve the quality of project cost consulting services and maintain the order of the construction market and social public interests   These Measures shall be observed when engaging in project cost consulting activities within the territory of the people’s Republic of China and implementing the supervision and administration of project cost consulting enterprises and registered cost engineers   The term “project cost consultation” as mentioned in these Measures refers to the activities in which the project cost consulting enterprise accepts the entrustment and the registered cost engineer accepts the appointment, provides professional consulting services for the determination and control of the whole process cost of the construction project, and issues the project cost achievement documents.

In order to implement the requirements of Document No.

Article 6 encourage the project cost consulting enterprises and registered cost engineers to participate in professional insurance and enhance their risk resistance.

149 (Articles 8 to 18 of ministerial Order No.

Enterprises and registered cost engineers voluntarily fill in relevant information and accept social supervision; The provincial competent department of housing and urban rural construction shall be responsible for formulating the credit information management system of project cost consulting industry in its administrative region and implementing the dynamic management of credit information.

According to the relevant provisions of the administrative license law, this revision further defines that the registered cost engineer must be registered in an enterprise with independent legal personality in accordance with the principle of localized management, and its registration management organization is the provincial competent department of housing and urban rural construction where the enterprise is registered (see articles 14 and 15 of the draft for comments).

We are sending it to you for comments.

7), we have merged and revised the measures for the administration of engineering cost consulting enterprises and the measures for the administration of registered cost engineers to form the measures for the administration of engineering cost consulting industry (Exposure Draft).

In this revision, the procedural provisions related to the initial registration, continuous registration and change registration of cost engineers are deleted, which are to be clarified in the subsequent supporting documents (Articles 8 to 12 of ministerial Order No.

Chapter II Management of project cost consulting enterprises Article 7   The term “project cost consulting enterprise” as mentioned in these Measures refers to an enterprise that has obtained an industrial and commercial business license and is engaged in project cost consulting activities according to law according to its business scope   A project cost consulting enterprise shall carry out relevant business according to the business scope of the business license, and have the ability to undertake business and registered cost engineers.

In order to strengthen industry management and further clarify and implement the responsibilities of engineering cost consulting enterprises and registered cost engineers, this revision adds penalties for engineering cost consulting enterprises and registered cost engineers providing false information and registered cost engineers undertaking engineering cost consulting business in violation of regulations (articles 44, 45 and 51 of the exposure draft).

Fourth, improve the relevant liability provisions.

It specifically includes: (1) Preparation and review of construction project proposal and feasibility study investment estimation, project economic evaluation report and implementation scheme; (II) preparation and review of construction project budget, determination and control of project cost in coordination with design scheme comparison, optimization design and quota design; (III) determination of construction project contract price (including the preparation and review of the bill of quantities of the bidding project, the maximum bid price and the bid price); the calculation and adjustment of the contract price (including the calculation of project change, project negotiation, visa and claim cost) and the payment of project funds, the preparation and review of project settlement and completion settlement (decision) report, etc.; (4) Economic assurance business related to the cost of engineering construction projects, including the review and audit of cost determination and control in each stage of construction projects; (5) providing engineering cost information services, etc   Engaging in project cost consultation activities shall not harm the social and public interests and the legitimate rights and interests of others.

Contact person and Tel.: Cheng Ming 010-58933216 contact email: chengm@mohurd.gov.cn Contact address: standard quota Department of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development, No.

Create an honest and trustworthy market environment (articles 27 to 32 of the exposure draft).

Second, increase the content of information management.

Fifth, streamline the registration process of cost engineers and other specific provisions.

9, Sanlihe Road, Haidian District, Beijing (please indicate “measures for the administration of project cost consulting industry for comments” on the envelope), postcode: 1000835 Annex: 1.

No unit or individual shall interfere in the project cost consultation activities carried out according to law   The competent department of housing and urban rural development under the State Council shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of the national project cost consulting activities, guide and standardize the development of the national project cost consulting industry.

Construction media ID: jianzhong001 source: the official website of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development yesterday, the Ministry of housing and urban rural development issued a letter on Soliciting Opinions on the measures for the administration of project cost consulting industry (Draft for comments).

Lifting Foot Anchor

Third, the localization management of registered cost engineers is clarified.

We have merged and revised the measures for the administration of engineering cost consulting enterprises and the measures for the administration of registered cost engineers to form the measures for the administration of engineering cost consulting industry (Draft for comments).

Article 9 a project cost consulting enterprise shall engage in project cost consulting activities according to law and shall not be restricted by administrative regions   A project cost consulting enterprise shall establish a complete quality management system, internal operating procedures and file management system to ensure the quality of consulting results.


Attached original: housing and urban rural development departments of all provinces and autonomous regions, housing and urban rural development (Management) committees of municipalities directly under the central government, housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau of Xinjiang production and Construction Corps, construction project cost management institutions of relevant departments under the State Council, and relevant units: in order to further promote the reform of “decentralization, management and service”, implement the “on deepening the separation of licenses” issued by the State Council According to the requirements of the notice on reform to further stimulate the development vitality of market subjects (GF [2021] No.

Measures for the administration of project cost consulting industry (draft for comments) 2.

The competent department of housing and urban rural development of the local people’s government at or above the county level shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of the project cost consulting industry within its administrative region, and may entrust its subordinate project cost management organization to be responsible for specific affairs The competent departments of transportation and water conservancy of the State Council shall be responsible for the supervision and management of the project cost consulting activities of their own specialty according to the division of responsibilities.

7 of the State Council, the relevant provisions on the qualification of engineering cost consulting enterprises in ministerial Order No.


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