[jianjianjiantong] a fire broke out in a super high-rise building in Shijiazhuang. It’s also inferior external insulation. Should it be banned?

Jianjiantong media ID: on the morning of March 9, a fire broke out in a high-rise building in Shijiazhuang


Look at the video below, it’s terrifying and desperate


Fortunately, there are no casualties! The scene video shows that the fire has almost burned to the top of the building, the scene of thick smoke, thick smoke has reached more than 200 meters


The ladder of the fire brigade arrived at the scene to put out the fire


In order to prevent the fire from spreading to the building, some firefighters have entered the building to put out the fire


It is reported that the building with 26 floors and a height of 111 meters was built in 2003


The fire in the building has a great impact on the surrounding area


If the fire can not be controlled at the first time, it is likely to threaten the gas station 150 meters away and the first hospital of Shijiazhuang City nearby


The building fire may start from the fifth floor of the building


A person familiar with the matter said: I was working on the first to fourth floors of the building


When I heard someone shouting that there was a fire outside, I immediately pulled out all the power supplies in the office and everyone queued to escape from the building


At the beginning, the fire outside the building was not very big


I didn’t expect that with the development of time, the fire was getting bigger and bigger


Shijiazhuang official reported that at about 11:20 a.m


on March 9, 2021, the exterior wall thermal insulation material of Zhongxin building at the southeast corner of the intersection of Jianshe street and fanxi road caught fire


After the fire, the person in charge of all departments at all levels rushed to the scene immediately to command the fire disposal


Fire fighting, public security, urban management and other departments sent 45 fire engines and 10 water supply vehicles to carry out the fire fighting; Qingyuan sub district office dispatched all staff to do a good job in personnel evacuation


By 13:28, the fire had been basically controlled, and the merchants, staff and residents of seven nearby residential buildings had evacuated safely


There were no casualties


The specific cause of the fire was under investigation


On March 9, 2021, the office of the people’s Government of Chang’an District, Shijiazhuang City, most people were curious about the sudden fire


The official announcement was that it was because of the insulation layer of the building


However, in accordance with the relevant national regulations, the insulation layer of the building should be flame retardant, why will there be a fire? It seems that the insulation layer used by the construction unit should not meet the standard


I hope the relevant departments can strictly investigate


After all, this kind of thing is related to the safety of the people


But back to the material market environment in 2003, it’s really hard to say who is the reason! (source: integrated in the network, the pictures and copyright belong to the original author, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete it!) Long press QR code to follow us ▶▶▶。



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