I wish you all the best in the year of the ox!

Facing the epidemic situation, people all over the world worked together to overcome the difficulties


In the new year, Shanghai Architectural Society will follow the national policy, follow the leadership of the party, and embark on a new journey


We will continue to struggle, forge ahead bravely and create more brilliant brilliance! What do you want to expect from the society of architecture of Shanghai in 2021? Please also contact us actively! Happy New Year! May all your wishes come true!.


In this year, we successfully won the title of five-star society of Shanghai Association for science and technology, and successfully applied for the Shanghai Jianshi science and technology development foundation


2021 is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the year to start a new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way, and the year to start the development of the 14th five year plan


The journey is long, only struggle


At the end of the year, the international forum with the theme of “building a sustainable and resilient city” won the attention of the industry


I wish you all a happy Spring Festival, the year of the ox, a new year and a new year


China will unremitting self-improvement in the new year, with Xi Jinping’s guiding ideology of socialism with Chinese characteristics as the guide, based on the new stage of development, the implementation of new development concepts and the new pattern of service development


General Secretary Xi said: the road is not isolated, there is one family in the world


In response to the sudden outbreak of the epidemic, the society and the majority of its members actively invested and made outstanding contributions


The new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way has begun


We believe that as long as the whole industry unite as one, work hard and innovate, the future of the construction industry will be better


We sincerely thank members and member units for their long-term support to Shanghai Architectural Society


In the past 2020, Shanghai Architectural Society has held as many as 120 activities


We also jointly established the international exchange center with Shanghai Jiaotong University School of design, the Hengfu historical protection research center with Tianping road street, and the application course of blockchain in the construction industry with Shutu blockchain Research Institute We have also successfully completed the selection of the 3rd science and technology progress award of Shanghai Architectural Society


After a year of ups and downs, we are more deeply aware of the significance of the community of human destiny than ever before


The past year has never been experienced in human history



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