How to develop prefabricated building? Let’s look at the latest data released by the Ministry of housing and urban rural development and the specific situation of local promotion

In order to implement the spirit of the central urban work conference and the guidance of the general office of the State Council on vigorously developing prefabricated buildings (GBF [2016] No


71), the Department of standards and quotas of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development carried out the statistical work on the development of prefabricated buildings in China in 2019


According to statistics, 420 million m2 of prefabricated buildings will be built in 2019, an increase of 45% compared with 2018, accounting for about 13.4% of the new building area


Among them, the newly started prefabricated building area in Shanghai is 34.44 million m2, accounting for 86.4% of the new buildings, and that in Beijing is 14.13 million m2, accounting for 26.9%


Hunan Province 18.56 million m2, accounting for 26%; Zhejiang Province 78.95 million m2, accounting for 25.1%


Prefabricated buildings in Jiangsu, Tianjin, Jiangxi and other places account for more than 20% of new buildings


Looking back on the development process of prefabricated buildings, in 2017, the Ministry of housing and urban rural development issued the “13th five year plan” action plan for prefabricated buildings, which requires that by 2020, the proportion of prefabricated buildings in new buildings in China will reach more than 15%, including more than 20% in key areas, more than 15% in actively promoted areas, and more than 10% in encouraged areas


By 2020, we will cultivate more than 50 prefabricated building demonstration cities, more than 200 prefabricated building industrial bases, more than 500 prefabricated building demonstration projects, and build more than 30 prefabricated building science and technology innovation bases, so as to give full play to the leading and leading role of demonstration


Looking back in 2019 one belt, one road to promote the development of fabricated buildings, has been given new signals


Tax reduction, tax reduction, simplified approval, new urbanization, green building, and the development of fabricated steel structures have all brought positive impacts on building industrialization


Construction area and development of some provinces and cities in 2019 Comrade Xiang yongdan, director of Zhejiang Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development, pointed out at the Zhejiang provincial housing and urban rural construction work conference: in 2019, the newly started prefabricated buildings in Zhejiang Province will exceed 25%, achieving the national goal ahead of schedule; the total output value of the construction industry will be about 2.2 trillion yuan, ranking second in the country; the added value of the construction industry will account for about 5.2% of the province’s GDP


In 2020, the province should focus on “transformation development” and focus on deepening the supply side structural reform of the construction industry


Improve and upgrade the traditional construction industry, improve the quality and efficiency of development


Promote the transformation of production mode, realize the transformation of construction mode from traditional construction to industrial assembly, expand the fabricated construction field to steel structure and rural housing, and change the residential delivery from blank delivery to full decoration delivery


In 2020, more than 70 million square meters of new prefabricated buildings will be started, accounting for 30% of new buildings


More than 5 million square meters of steel structure prefabricated houses will be built, including more than 150000 square meters of prefabricated rural houses


100 green building demonstration projects will be implemented, and 120 million square meters of energy-saving buildings will be built


One belt, one road to the development of the general contracting, will be transformed into the general contracting


The traditional housing construction will be transformed into the infrastructure sector


The market will be developed from the domestic to the “one belt and one way”, and strive to achieve a foreign business turnover of 8 billion 500 million US dollars


Termites should one belt, one road and one other area


Promote the transformation of service mode, realize the transformation of project service mode to the whole process consultation, change the administrative approval from prior approval to prior commitment and post supervision, and deepen the reform of project cost market


On October 24, 2019, Beijing Municipal Commission of housing and urban rural development held an open day for government affairs


The reporter learned from the scene that since 2007, Beijing has begun to promote housing industrialization, which is one of the earliest cities in China to carry out prefabricated construction


According to the statistics provided by Beijing Municipal Commission of housing and urban rural development, in 2017, the newly started prefabricated building area in Beijing was 4.49 million square meters, accounting for 15% of the city’s construction area; in 2018, the newly started prefabricated building area in Beijing was 13.37 million square meters, accounting for 29% of the city’s construction area; in 2019, as of October, the newly started prefabricated building area in Beijing was about 9 million square meters


On January 13, 2020, Hebei Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development issued a notice on the special inspection of building energy conservation, green building and prefabricated building in 2019, pointing out that the construction of prefabricated building in Hebei Province will advance steadily in 2019


In 2019, four provincial prefabricated construction industrial bases will be cultivated


Qinhuangdao city declared the national prefabricated construction demonstration city, and six enterprises, including Hebei Fengrun economic development zone and Hebei Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd., declared the national prefabricated construction industry base


Promulgate and implement the provincial engineering construction standard evaluation standard for prefabricated buildings


Efforts should be made to promote the work


Shijiazhuang explores the completion evaluation of prefabricated construction projects, Qinhuangdao city implements the annual target completion ranking, Tangshan city actively undertakes the prefabricated construction vocational skills competition, and Handan city guides relevant colleges and universities to set up professional courses to train workers in the prefabricated construction industry


In 2019, 8.42 million square meters of prefabricated buildings will be started in cities and towns of the whole province, and 22.53 million square meters of prefabricated buildings will be started in total


Tangshan City, Qinhuangdao City, Shijiazhuang City, Handan City, Cangzhou City, the proportion of newly started prefabricated buildings in the new construction area ranks the top five in the province


Shandong Province on January 9, 2020, Shandong Province housing and urban rural construction work conference was held in Jinan, the meeting pointed out: in 2019, Shandong construction industry development vitality is constantly released


It is estimated that the total output value of the whole year will be 1.4 trillion yuan, with a year-on-year growth of about 10%


The total number of provincial green ecological demonstration cities and towns reached 23 and 67


It was selected as the pilot project of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development to promote the construction of steel structure prefabricated housing, and newly created 4 provincial prefabricated building demonstration cities, 27 demonstration projects and 9 industrial bases


On January 19, 2020, Shaanxi Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development announced the development of prefabricated buildings in 2019: focusing on new projects such as residential quarters and National Games venues, Shaanxi Province promoted the application of standardized design, industrial production and prefabricated construction technology


The annual construction projects of prefabricated buildings totaled 10.9155 million square meters, including 7.1686 million square meters in Xi’an and 1.2349 million square meters in Xixian There are 619400 square meters in Xianyang, 593400 square meters in Baoji, 457100 square meters in Yulin, 216000 square meters in Yan’an, 213300 square meters in Weinan, 168800 square meters in Ankang, 113100 square meters in Tongchuan, 70000 square meters in Hancheng, 35000 square meters in Yangling, 13000 square meters in Shangluo and 10000 square meters in Hanzhong


The proportion of prefabricated buildings in new buildings increased compared with that of the previous year; Xi’an 27.89%, Xixian 25.20%, Xianyang 16.58%, Baoji 12.23%, Yan’an 9.40%, Yangling 8.00%, Tongchuan 7.53%, Yulin 7.33%, Hancheng 4.25%, Weinan 4.09%, Ankang 3.41%, Shangluo 1.04%, Hanzhong 0.30%


In November 15, 2019, one belt, one road, was held in Jiangsu province


The press conference of Jiangsu construction industry went out


Gu Xiaoping, deputy secretary of the Jiangsu municipal housing and urban construction department, introduced the 1 to September, the total output value of construction industry was 2 trillion and 440 billion yuan, up 9% from the same period last year


Positive results have been achieved in the transformation and development of architecture.



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