Henan Zhengzhou municipal government’s supplementary notice on vigorously promoting the development of prefabricated buildings

Supplementary Notice of Zhengzhou Municipal People’s Government on vigorously promoting the development of prefabricated buildings (Zheng Zheng Wen [2021] No


25): management committees of development zones, people’s governments of districts, counties (cities), departments of the Municipal People’s government, and relevant units: in order to further implement the implementation opinions of Zhengzhou Municipal People’s Government on vigorously promoting the development of prefabricated buildings (Zheng Zheng Wen [2017] No


37), it is more scientific Learn to do a good job in the promotion of prefabricated buildings in the city, combined with the actual situation of our city, the supplementary notice on relevant matters is as follows: 1


Overall goal: the proportion of prefabricated buildings in the area of new buildings in the city will reach the following goals: more than 30% in 2021; more than 40% in 2022-2023; more than 50% in 2024-2025


2、 Construction task (1) since 2021, Zhengzhou downtown built-up area (Zhengzhou airport port area, Zhengdong New Area, Zhengzhou high tech Zone, Zhengzhou Economic Development Zone, five districts in the city)


The same below) in the area within the Third Ring Road, new projects (excluding government investment projects that have been approved) should adopt prefabricated construction technology


(2) Zhengzhou City Center built-up area outside the third ring road


Prefabricated construction technology shall be adopted for projects meeting one of the following conditions: 1


All affordable housing projects, government investment projects and state-owned enterprise investment projects (except industrial buildings and storage houses); 2


New commercial housing projects with a total construction area of 100000 square meters or more since 2021; projects with a total construction area of 80000 square meters or more since 2022; projects with a total construction area of 100000 square meters or more since 2022; projects with a total construction area of 80000 square meters or more since 2022; Since 2024, the total construction area is 60000 square meters or more


(3) Each county (city) and Shangjie district


The proportion of building area of new projects constructed with prefabricated building technology shall meet the following requirements: no less than 20% from 2021; no less than 30% from 2022; no less than 40% from 2024


The specific control standard can refer to the standard of Zhengzhou city


3、 For the single building in the construction project whose non control scope should be constructed with prefabricated technology, if one of the following conditions is met, the prefabricated technology can not be used: (1) residential buildings with a height of more than 100 meters (excluding 100 meters)


(2) Independent structures, garbage room, supporting equipment room, guard room, etc


in the construction project


(3) In residential building projects, the sales offices, clubs (activity centers), kindergartens, shops and other independent supporting buildings with non residential functions meet the following three conditions: 1


The total ground floor area of supporting buildings shall not exceed 10000 square meters; 2


The total ground floor area of supporting buildings shall not exceed 10% of the total ground floor area of the project; 3


The above ground floor area of single building in supporting buildings shall not exceed 3000 square meters


(4) In view of the fact that the operating rate of resettlement houses has reached 90%, in order to speed up the construction of the remaining resettlement houses and strive for the masses to move back as soon as possible, the prefabricated technology can not be used in the construction of resettlement houses


(5) Through the demonstration organized by the municipal competent department of prefabricated building, it is found that the project can not meet the requirements of prefabricated building construction due to special functions, complex structure and other technical reasons


4、 Unified management (1) for projects with prefabricated technology, the resource planning department shall list the prefabricated building requirements in the listing conditions when formulating the land supply scheme, and implement them in the land transfer contract (transfer decision)


(2) The evaluation of prefabricated construction project is organized and implemented by the municipal competent department of prefabricated construction according to the evaluation standard of Henan Province


(3) The main person in charge of the administrative committee of each development zone, the people’s Government of each county (city) and Shangjie district is the first responsible person


According to the principle of territorial management, the annual objectives and tasks of the prefabricated construction work at the same level shall be ensured


5、 Policy support (1) the financial subsidy standard stipulated in the implementation opinions of Zhengzhou Municipal People’s Government on vigorously promoting the development of prefabricated buildings (Zheng Zheng Wen [2017] No


37) will continue until the end of 2025


The financial subsidies for prefabricated buildings in key areas (except Zhengzhou airport area) shall be borne by the municipal finance; the financial subsidies for prefabricated buildings in Zhengzhou airport area, counties (cities) and Shangjie district shall be borne by the local finance


(2) For the project with prefabricated construction technology (prefabricated thermal insulation peripheral wall or glass curtain wall), the construction area of the prefabricated part of the external wall shall not be included in the plot ratio, but the construction area shall not exceed 3% of the total construction area


For the construction project with prefabricated construction technology, the increased cost is included in the project construction cost


(3) If the investment in development and construction accounts for more than 25% of the total investment in project construction, the project progress is more than plus or minus zero, and the construction progress and completion delivery date have been determined, the prefabricated commercial housing project can apply to the real estate management department for pre-sale permit and obtain the pre-sale permit of commercial housing


(4) In Zhengzhou City, the prefabricated construction base assessed by the municipal competent department of prefabricated construction, which has won the title of national, provincial and municipal prefabricated construction industry base, will be given municipal financial subsidy of 5 million yuan, 3 million yuan and 2 million yuan respectively, and the accumulated subsidy will not exceed 5 million yuan


(5) In principle, the production, transportation and construction of prefabricated construction projects will not be stopped during the orange and below warning period of heavy pollution weather


(six) transport must not be disintegrated and overlong, super Kwai and super high precast parts and fittings


Enterprises should handle the franchise procedures in advance according to the relevant regulations


Relevant departments should open up easy access to the procedures


6、 Other matters this notice shall come into force as of the date of printing and distributing, and Zheng Zheng Wen [2017] No


37 shall continue to be implemented


If the relevant contents are inconsistent with this notice, this notice shall prevail


Organized by Zhengzhou Municipal People’s Government on March 1, 2021: supervised by Zhengzhou Urban Construction Bureau: CC from five general offices of Zhengzhou municipal government; departments of Zhengzhou municipal Party committee, Zhengzhou police district


The general office of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress, the municipal office, the municipal court and the municipal procuratorate


Issued by the general office of Zhengzhou Municipal People’s Government on March 1, 2021.



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4. After receiving this notice, all enterprises participating in the bid preparation are requested to return the bid submission receipt to the Secretariat of the association before February 28. After