Henan Construction Recruitment | China Construction Second Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd. Zhongyuan Branch 2021 college graduates recruitment

1、 Company profile Zhongyuan Branch of China Construction Second Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd


(hereinafter referred to as Zhongyuan Branch of China Construction Second Engineering Bureau), officially established on January 30, 2018, is an unincorporated branch of North China company of China Construction Second Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd


(hereinafter referred to as North China company of China Construction second Engineering Bureau), with its headquarters in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province


According to the company’s strategic planning and deployment, Zhongyuan Branch of China Construction Second Engineering Bureau has gradually entered the Central Plains market in 2016


At present, its partners include rongchuang China Holding Co., Ltd., Jianye Housing Group (China) Co., Ltd., country garden group and other listed companies


The development types of Zhongyuan Branch of China Construction Second Engineering Bureau include: PPP project, infrastructure, people’s livelihood co construction, large-scale commerce, large-scale real estate and residence, etc


As of May 2018, the branch has 20 projects under construction, and the construction area covers many areas of the province


Gradually form a business layout with “Zhengzhou” as the core area and radiating the whole Central Plains


Zhongyuan Branch of China Construction Second Engineering Bureau will continue to build and improve human resource management, marketing management, project management and capital management, and strive to provide the core competitiveness of the enterprise


2、 Recruitment of professional civil engineering, building environment and energy application engineering, water supply and drainage science and engineering, building electrical and intelligent, urban underground space engineering, road and bridge and river crossing engineering, municipal engineering, traffic engineering, transportation, architecture, etc




Welfare treatment 1


Industry leading salary level and diversified promotion channels; undergraduate first The first year is 80000-90000, and the second year is 100000-120000; the first year is 90000-100000, and the second year is 110000-140000; 2


Perfect welfare security system; full payment of Zhengzhou five insurances and two funds for employees; after settling in Zhengzhou, they can enjoy the “wisdom Zhengzhou” talent subsidy policy; 3


Other benefits; induction training, tutor apprenticeship, rotation training, certificate training, computer / remote / length of service / transportation / telephone /4


A sound training system and a broad platform for the development of central enterprises; 5


Free accommodation for employees; 6


Legal holiday gifts and cash gifts; 7


Paid annual leave or family leave; 8


Regular free physical examination; 9


Free tooling, T-Shirts, etc


4、 Working places are mainly concentrated in Zhengzhou, Luoyang, Pingdingshan, Nanyang, Shanghai, Hefei, Ningbo and other cities (according to the graduates’ native place or intention, combined with the branch project and job demand, reasonable allocation of working places)




Application requirements education requirements: 2021 full-time fresh graduates, bachelor degree or above; performance requirements: excellent performance, professional expertise , skilled use of office and professional software; comprehensive quality requirements: healthy, love and identify with the construction industry, with a strong sense of responsibility and hard-working character; Party members, student cadres and those with advantages are preferred


6、 Application process: 1


Resume delivery; 2


Interview; 3


Signing a contract


7、 Contact us: 1


Headquarters address: 15 / F, Yizhong building, 75 Qilihe South Road, Zhengdong New District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province




Recruitment Contact: Manager Zhang 180378101463


Resume delivery address: 978144686@qq.com .



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