Heavyweight!!! Ministry of housing and urban rural development issued: simple labor contract for construction workers (model text)!

General Office of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development (MOHURD) on Soliciting Opinions on “simple labor contract for construction workers (model text)” (Draft for comments) “Jian ban Shi Han [2021] No


147″ housing and urban rural development departments of all provinces and autonomous regions, housing and urban rural development (Management) Commission of municipalities directly under the central government, housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau of Xinjiang production and Construction Corps, relevant industry associations In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of construction workers, the spirit of the regulations on the payment of wages for migrant workers with disabilities (State Council Order No


724), the opinions of the general office of the State Council on comprehensively tackling the problem of arrears of wages for migrant workers (GBF [2016] No


1) and the guiding opinions of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development and other departments on accelerating the cultivation of construction workers in the new era (JSJ [2020] No


105) are put forward, In order to standardize the behavior of labor contract, combining with the actual situation of construction industry, our ministry has organized the drafting of “simple labor contract for construction workers (model text)” (Draft for comments), which is now sent to you for comments


Please write to the construction market supervision department of our Ministry before April 20, 2021


Contact person and Tel: mikai, 010-58933327


Annex: simple labor contract for construction workers (model text) (Exposure Draft) General Office of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development, April 6, 2021-



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