Four schools of finance, five colleges and four departments, two e-mails and one mail, old eight schools of construction… How many


Six star University of Finance and economics, Central University of Finance and economics, Shanghai University of Finance and economics, University of international business and economics, Southwest University of Finance and economics, Central South University of economics and law, Northeast University of Finance and economics.


Four elites of military and civilian medicine and four local elites: Tongji Medical University (incorporated into Huazhong University of science and Technology), Sun Yat Sen Medical University (incorporated into Sun Yat sen University), West China Medical University (incorporated into Sichuan University), Xiangya Medical College (incorporated into Central South University);      Four military elites: the First Military Medical University (now Southern Medical University), the Second Military Medical University, the Third Military Medical University and the Fourth Military Medical University.

Telecom Liuzi (six universities directly under the former Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications)     Beijing University of Posts and telecommunications, Nanjing University of Posts and telecommunications, Xi’an University of Posts and telecommunications, Chongqing University of Posts and telecommunications, Changchun Institute of Posts and Telecommunications (now incorporated into Jilin University), Shijiazhuang Vocational and Technical College of Posts and Telecommunications (formerly Shijiazhuang post College).

At present, there are many types of colleges and universities.

Based on the overall development of China’s higher education, Mr.



Two e-mails and one post (“communication engineering and electronic information engineering” Daniel school) University of Electronic Science and technology, Xi’an University of Electronic Science and technology, Beijing University of Posts and telecommunications.

University of excellence Alliance (9) Beijing University of technology, Harbin University of technology, Northwest University of technology, Chongqing University, Dalian University of technology, Southeast University, South China University of technology, Tianjin University and Tongji University.

Six sisters of Normal University (the project plan of six normal universities and teacher education innovation platform directly under the Ministry of Education)      Beijing Normal University, East China Normal University, central China Normal University, Northeast Normal University, Southwest University, Shaanxi Normal University.








“985 Project” East China G5 (Jiangsu and Zhejiang parcel post area), Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Zhejiang University, Nanjing University and University of science and technology of China.


It is the first school to set up majors related to architecture, and it is also the first school to have the right to grant bachelor’s and master’s degrees in architecture and doctoral programs in architecture.

People who study civil engineering in the old eight school of architecture know that “the old eight school of architecture” is the eight universities with the best foundation of civil engineering disciplines.



Rubber Recess Former




4 Finance University (formerly the university directly under the people’s Bank of China)     Southwest University of Finance and economics, Xi’an Jiaotong University (merged with the former Shaanxi University of Finance and Economics), University of foreign economic relations and trade (merged with the former China University of Finance), Hunan University (merged with the former Hunan University of Finance and Economics) 14, Samsung international trade (formerly the Ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation / now a university directly under the Ministry of Commerce)     University of international business and Economics (formerly Beijing Institute of foreign trade), Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (formerly Guangzhou Institute of foreign trade, merged with Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Studies in 1995), Shanghai University of foreign trade and Economics (formerly Shanghai Institute of foreign trade) 15.

Electric Sihu Tsinghua University, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Zhejiang University and Huazhong University of science and technology.

Electric Erlong Wuhan University of water resources and hydropower (incorporated into Wuhan University) and North China Electric Power University.



The eleventh King Kong University of Medicine: Shanghai Second Medical University (incorporated into Shanghai Jiaotong University), Zhejiang Medical University (incorporated into Zhejiang University), Xi’an Medical University (incorporated into Xi’an Jiaotong University), Bethune Medical University (incorporated into Jilin University), Shandong Medical University (incorporated into Shandong University), Tianjin Medical University, Capital Medical University, China Medical University, Harbin Medical University Nanjing Medical University, Chongqing Medical University.

According to the architectural ranking, “new eight schools” are Zhejiang University, Hunan University, Shenyang Architecture University, Dalian University of technology, Shenzhen University, Huazhong University of science and technology, Shanghai Jiaotong University and Nanjing University.

The seven sons of national defense (formerly under the Commission of science, technology and industry for national defense and now under the Ministry of industry and information technology) Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing University of technology, Harbin University of technology, Harbin Engineering University, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing University of technology and Northwest University of technology.

“985 Project” C9 Alliance (the first batch of “985”) Tsinghua University, Peking University, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Zhejiang University, Nanjing University, China University of science and technology, Harbin University of technology and Xi’an Jiaotong University.

Five academies, four departments and five academies refer to Beijing University of political science and Law (the predecessor of China University of political science and law), Southwest University of political science and Law (the predecessor of Southwest University of political science and law), East China University of political science and Law (the predecessor of East China University of political science and law), Central South University of political science and Law (the predecessor of Central South University of Finance and economics and law), and Northwest University of political science and Law (the predecessor of Northwest University of political science and law); The four departments are the law department of Peking University (the predecessor of Peking University Law School), the law department of Renmin University of China (the predecessor of Renmin University Law School of China), the law department of Wuhan University (the predecessor of Wuhan University Law School), and the law department of Jilin University (the predecessor of Jilin University Law School).

The New Fourth Army of architecture Zhejiang University, Nanjing University, Hunan University and Shenyang Architecture University.

Nine famous foreign language schools (including translation, linguistics, etc.)       Beijing Foreign Studies University, Shanghai International Studies University, Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing International Studies University, Beijing International Studies University, Sichuan Foreign Languages University, Tianjin, Tianjin Foreign Languages University, and Foreign Languages University of Hong Kong..

North South double medicine, China Pharmaceutical University, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University.


Among them, Tsinghua University, Tongji University, Southeast University and Tianjin University are significantly better than the other four, also known as the “four flower days” and jokingly known as the “four big”; Chongqing University, Harbin Institute of technology, Xi’an University of architecture and technology and South China University of technology are jokingly called “four young students”, which is similar to the above   Corresponding to the four universities, they are called “four small”.

Beijing Medical University (now Peking University) and Shanghai Medical University (now Fudan University).



The eight universities known as the “old eight schools of civil engineering” are: Tsinghua University, Tongji University, Southeast University, Tianjin University, Chongqing University, Harbin Institute of technology, Xi’an University of architecture and technology and South China University of technology.

Gaokao has sorted out the representatives of 25 types of colleges and universities for students’ reference when choosing schools.

Four kings of Statistics     Renmin University of China, Xiamen University, Zhejiang industrial and Commercial University (former Hangzhou business school), Tianjin University of Finance and Economics (former Tianjin University of Finance and Economics) 16, four major engineering colleges, Nanjing Institute of Technology (now Southeast University), Huazhong Institute of Technology (now Huazhong University of science and technology), South China Institute of Technology (now South China University of Technology), Dalian Institute of Technology (now Dalian University of Technology).

Four dragons of machinery: Jilin University of Technology (Jilin University), Hefei University of technology, Hunan University and Yanshan University.

The new eight schools of architecture has put forward the “new eight schools” in the architectural circle.


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