First class constructor – Construction Engineering Economics – 1z101070

The content of the textbook is divided into three parts, which are distinguished by 1z101000, 1z102000 and 1z103000


Among them, 1z101000 refers to the economic part of the project, 1z102000 refers to the financial part of the project, and 1z103000 refers to the valuation part of the project, which are studied in order


In the first part, the main content of engineering economy is described in one sentence: from the perspective of investors, in the early stage of the technical scheme, the expected investment effect and the uncertainty in the future are predicted, the methods used for evaluation, the calculation and application of economic effect index, the method for scheme selection, etc


There are 7 sections in this part, and there is a close logical relationship


1z101010 calculation and application of time value of capital 1z101020 economic effect evaluation of technical scheme 1z101030 uncertainty analysis of technical scheme 1z101040 preparation of cash flow statement of technical scheme 1z101050 analysis of equipment renewal 1z101060 application of value engineering in engineering construction 1z101070 technical and economic analysis of new technology, new process and new material application scheme This official account will issue the corresponding lecture notes according to the sub sections


That is, the first part of the engineering economy will be divided into 7 studies


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