Association dynamics – Interpretation of work application process and key practices of technical evaluation on assembly rate of prefabricated construction projects in Foshan and on-site observation activities of prefabricated construction projects were successfully held

On August 5, it was hosted by Foshan Chancheng District Bureau of housing, urban rural construction and water resources and Foshan prefabricated building association, and by Guangzhou yuemao real estate opening Co., Ltd The work declaration process and key practice interpretation of the technical evaluation of assembly rate of Foshan prefabricated construction project undertaken by the Third Construction Engineering Co., Ltd


At the same time, I hope that relevant units of all construction parties should cherish the opportunity of learning and exchange through training Observe the activities and master the construction application process and construction technology of prefabricated buildings in a comprehensive and detailed manner


of China Construction Third Bureau and the on-site observation activity of prefabricated construction project were successfully held in Foshan Shimao Hongyang Green Island Lake project! Wu Yanting, chief of the construction industry development and design science and technology section of Foshan Municipal Bureau of housing, urban rural development and water resources, Ding Jiangshu, chief engineer of Chancheng District Bureau of housing, urban rural development and water resources, Jiang Shurong, vice president and Luo Li, Secretary General of the municipal prefabricated building Association, Zhu Jie, engineering director and Xie Sina, development director of Shimao Strait Guangfo company, Ma Li, general deputy general manager of Xiamen Branch of the third company of China Construction Third Bureau, and representatives of project supervision enterprises, construction enterprises and real estate enterprises under construction participated in the observation activity


The activity actively responded to the call of superior departments to promote green buildings, aiming to expand the cognitive recognition of prefabricated projects in the market


This is also the original intention of our association


At the observation meeting, Ding Jiangshu, chief engineer of Foshan Chancheng District housing, construction and Water Resources Bureau, made a speech, put forward three opinions and requirements, and expressed his heartfelt thanks to the construction units and construction units that assisted in the observation activities and paid hard work and everyone’s arrival


Chief Wu Yanting said that he would vigorously support qualified projects to apply for provincial and national prefabricated building demonstration projects, and hoped that more excellent projects could actively participate in them, so as to give play to the exemplary role of our city as a national prefabricated building model city! Jiang Jianrong, vice president of the association, made a professional and accurate interpretation of the work declaration process and key processes of the technical evaluation of assembly rate of prefabricated construction projects in Foshan, so that the representatives of all business units participating in the meeting had a clearer understanding of the evaluation process of prefabricated buildings, It makes all units more clear about the work contents and relevant control measures they need to do in different development stages, which plays a significant positive role in promoting the development of prefabricated buildings in Foshan


In addition, it is also hoped that relevant units can strengthen the management of prefabricated construction projects, put quality and safety first, carry out relevant technical training and improve the technical and management level of employees


Wu Yanting, chief of the development and design science and technology section of the Municipal Bureau of housing, urban rural development and water resources, stressed the determination of government departments to promote prefabricated buildings, and put forward the requirements for better developing prefabricated buildings, promoting the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry, and improving construction safety, construction quality and civilized construction

. Elephant Foot Ferrule

This paper explains the implementation of the requirements for the compulsory implementation of prefabricated buildings in the newly transferred and allocated state-owned construction land and the expansion of the scope of the compulsory implementation of prefabricated buildings


We hope that prefabricated buildings can be better promoted and developed in Foshan, strive for further achievements, and contribute to the development of prefabricated buildings in Foshan! ▲ group photo of the activity.



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4. After receiving this notice, all enterprises participating in the bid preparation are requested to return the bid submission receipt to the Secretariat of the association before February 28. After