[composite version] the Federation of trade unions reflects the serious unemployment of construction workers

The composite edition contains two reports, namely: 1


The FTU reflects that construction workers are seriously unemployed; 2


The trade union reflects that employment is difficult; Labor Bureau: the FTU does not reflect that construction workers are seriously unemployed [March 10, 2021 – Wednesday – Macao news] Li Jingyi, Liang sunxu, Lin lunwei and Li Zhenyu, 4 members of the FTU, Deng Jincan, vice president and deputy director of the rights and interests Committee of the FTU, and director of the Construction Industry Federation of trade unions Mr Cheung man Kuan and others have made an appointment with the Labour Bureau today to report the serious unemployment problem caused by the epidemic


Hundreds of unemployed construction workers have recently turned to the authorities for help


Many of them have been unemployed for some time


Recently, they have also received cases of workers being employed without understanding


The employment problem is urgent


They urged the government to prudently grant expatriate employment, improve the exit mechanism, and formulate specific measures to implement the government’s policy of giving priority to local people in public works and return them to Macao




Lee said that recently they have received a number of requests and complaints from construction workers, reflecting the current employment difficulties


Some of them have been unemployed for a long time and need to wait for a long time to be interviewed


Subsequently, some local workers engaged in painting and other professional jobs reported that they were recently dismissed by the company for the reason that the process was completed, but the company still employed outside employees and continued to work, while the local people “had no jobs”


To this end, they strongly request your bureau to follow up and assist the unemployed workers to get interviews and job opportunities as soon as possible


Li Jingyi disclosed that recently, from time to time, some job seekers reported that they encountered unreasonable situations in the process of job hunting


For example, some people reported earlier that they had been employed and had passed the company’s induction safety training after meeting at the construction site, but in the end, there was no formal arrangement for them to go to work, and the company did not give an explanation


Some people also reported that they had encountered actual salary conditions or job content after employment, which were different from the originally claimed recruitment conditions Therefore, the government is duty bound to supervise enterprises to give priority to employing local people


Members of the Federation of trade unions, Mr Leung sun Hsu (fifth from left), Mr Lee Ching Yee (second from right), Mr Lam Lun Wai (first from left), Mr Lee Chun Yu (second from left) and chairman of the Construction Industry Federation of trade unions, Mr Cheung man Kuan (first from right), today reported to the Deputy Secretary for labour, Mr Chan Yuen Tong (fourth from left), the employment difficulties of construction workers


Mr Leung believes that construction projects, including government projects, are being carried out in succession in Macao


At the same time, the industry claims that there is a shortage of people


As a result, 26984 people have been approved by the government to work in the construction industry in Australia


However, local employees are “jobless”, which is unsatisfactory


It is also difficult for the community to know which of the many vacant posts will allow local people to enter the workforce, whether there is any exit from the workforce, and what is the situation of employment matching? He urged the authorities to account to the community


Mr Leung stressed that in addition to the difficulties in employment in the construction industry, many local people in other industries are still unemployed


In the absence of relaxation of anti epidemic measures and stimulus measures for economic assistance, as well as the fact that new graduates are about to enter the job market, the employment situation in Macao may become more and more serious in the future


The relevant problems can not be ignored and the authorities must take specific measures To help protect the employment rights of residents


In order to protect the employment rights of residents, they put forward four suggestions


First, adhere to the principle of giving priority to the employment of residents, especially when it is difficult to find employment under the epidemic situation


The authorities should prudently grant the number of expatriates according to the situation of local people’s registration for employment and the type of work, improve the exit mechanism of expatriates and return them to Macao


In response to the recent sharp increase in the number of job seekers in the construction industry, the authorities should earnestly follow up the matching work and give relevant data


In particular, they should monitor whether there is a situation in which the local people are suspended or even dismissed while the enterprises retain the external employees


They must also help the local people return to work


The second is to formulate specific measures to implement the government’s policy objective of giving priority to the employment of local people in public works


Third, we will continue to crack down on the job market disrupting activities such as over employment, cross-border workers and “illegal workers”


Fourth, we should strengthen vocational training, optimize the training and workplace experience plan, launch more training courses that meet the market demand and with subsidies, enhance the enthusiasm of residents to participate in training, and continuously improve the residents’ vocational skills and employment competitiveness


Trade unions reflect employment difficulties Labor Bureau: no price reduction [March 10, 2021 – Wednesday – Macao news] representatives of the Federation of trade unions and the Federation of construction trade unions went to the Labor Bureau today to reflect the employment difficulties of construction workers


Among them, Deng Jincan, vice president of the Federation of trade unions, said that he had received more than 300 construction workers for help


After the Spring Festival, he was faced with unemployment, low salary, and dismissal by enterprises on the ground of process completion


He urged the authorities to face it squarely


Chen Yuantong, deputy director of the Labour Bureau, pointed out that the wage level is regulated by the market, and the authorities have not seen wage reduction, but have chosen jobs according to the requirements of enterprises and employees themselves


The Deputy Secretary for labour, Mr Chan Yuen Tong and Mr Tang Kam Chan, said that many painters had asked for help, saying that local workers had been laid off one after another in several construction sites after the Spring Festival


At present, there are more than 2600 construction workers in Macao


He hoped that the government could free up some construction jobs for local people


He also reflected that even if he was arranged to see a worker, the salary level was deliberately lowered


Both the daily and monthly salary were 30% to 40% lower than usual, resulting in the situation that “it seems that the local people are unwilling to do it”


He pointed out: Despite the current epidemic situation, many large-scale projects undertaken by contractors were undertaken before the epidemic, and the wages of local people should not be lowered because of the epidemic situation


It is hoped that the authorities will face up to the relevant problems


With the continuous progress of construction technology and the continuous change of materials used, it is hoped that the government’s training courses will help to improve the workers’ vocational skills and construction level, and increase their employment opportunities


In response to workers’ complaints about being underpaid, Chen Yuantong said that the authorities did not know whether or not they were underpaid


He believed that the wage level was regulated by the market


According to the Statistics Bureau, there would be different wage adjustments in all walks of life after the epidemic, but whether it was called “underpaid” or not


The labor bureau “could not see that it was a underpaid” but responded The enterprises and employees themselves need to choose jobs


According to the reports of the organizations, priority will be given to the employment of the employees on the construction sites


Chen Yuantong stressed that foreign employees supplement the shortage of local people


If both local people and foreign employees are competent for the work undertaken by the enterprise, but they have dismissed local people during the period, they may violate the outline law on employment rights


The bureau is investigating and sending people to inspect the site and ask the employer to explain


If the violation is proved, the amount of foreign employment will be cancelled


Chen Yuantong pointed out that local construction workers had been arranged for job matching, but they were not employed because of their unqualified skills


For those workers who fail to pass the skill test, the authorities will recommend them to participate in the “back up” training course to improve their skills


If they are not fit for the post, they will be advised to consider working in other industries..



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