Building structure: how to solve the prominent housing problems in big cities?

The housing difficulties of new citizens, young people, especially those engaged in basic public services, are more prominent


The third is to establish a monitoring and early warning and evaluation mechanism, carry out monthly monitoring, quarterly evaluation and annual evaluation, implement the main responsibility of the city, and ensure the stability of the market


The central economic work conference proposed that we should adjust measures to local conditions and take multiple measures to promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate market


Wang Menghui pointed out that the housing prices in big cities are high, and there are also problems in the rental market, such as unreasonable supply structure, irregular market order, and unstable rental relationship


What aspects will urban renewal focus on this year? Wang Menghui said that it is necessary to study and formulate the urban system construction plan, and build an urban pattern with the central city, metropolitan area and urban agglomeration as the main body, and the coordinated development of large, medium and small cities and small towns


How to do rural construction? ——To promote the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas, the central economic work conference proposed to promote rural construction


Source: Xinhua point of view: thousands of needles and thousands of lines, no details, housing and urban and rural construction everywhere, people’s livelihood, everything about people’s lives


For example, separate rental housing land plan, explore the use of collective construction land and enterprises and institutions own idle land to build rental housing


In addition, we should strengthen the construction of infrastructure and public service facilities in the county, improve the service capacity and level of the county, and promote the establishment of a development system, service system, and governance system with the county as a unit to coordinate urban and rural development.


We should reduce the tax burden of rental housing and reasonably regulate the rent level


In large cities with net inflow of population, we should focus on the development of policy rental housing


He said that the urban renewal action also includes comprehensively promoting the transformation of old residential areas in cities and towns, coordinating urban flood control and drainage, systematically promoting the construction of sponge city in an all-round way, and promoting the urbanization construction with the county as an important carrier


Focusing on the promotion of flush toilets, we should improve the functions of rural houses and enhance the modernization level of rural houses


How to solve the outstanding housing problems in big cities? ——It is one of the key tasks of the central economic work conference to make up for the “short legs” of housing rental and solve the prominent housing problems in big cities


Second, strengthen the linkage control mechanism of all provinces and cities, strengthen the guidance of key cities, and implement accurate regulation


First of all, it is necessary to carry out the evaluation of rural construction in an all-round way, find out the existing outstanding problems, and speed up the completion of the short board


First, improve the policy coordination mechanism, establish the linkage mechanism of housing, land and finance, strengthen the management of residential land, and improve the macro Prudential Management System of real estate finance


What kind of city should we build? The goal of livable city, green city, toughness, intelligence and humanity is to implement the city renewal action


Wang Menghui said


Secondly, efforts should be made to improve the quality of rural housing


Fifth, improve the market supervision mechanism, carry out special actions to rectify the order of the real estate market, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the masses


He said that in the next step, we will resolutely implement the deployment of the central economic work conference, firmly adhere to the positioning that houses are used for living, not for speculation, do not take real estate as a short-term means to stimulate the economy, always tighten the string of real estate market regulation, fully implement the long-term mechanism of real estate, strengthen the main responsibility of the city, and promote the real estate market by adjusting measures to local conditions and taking multiple measures simultaneously The market has developed steadily and healthily


At the same time, we should carry out urban ecological restoration and function improvement projects, reasonably determine urban scale and population density, optimize urban layout, and improve the quality of human settlements


We will carry out pilot projects for new rural housing construction and promote prefabricated steel structures and other rural housing construction methods


“Strengthening the protection of history and culture and shaping the urban landscape is an important part of urban renewal.” Wang Menghui said that we should also speed up the construction of a complete residential community with safety and health, perfect facilities and orderly management, and accelerate the construction and transformation of new urban infrastructure based on informatization, digitization and intellectualization


In response, Wang Menghui said that in accordance with the deployment requirements of the central economic work conference, he will consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation, effectively link up the Rural Revitalization Strategy, implement rural construction actions, improve the level of rural construction, and promote the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas


Thirdly, we should strengthen the treatment of rural sewage and garbage, and continuously improve the rural living environment


The central economic work conference has made important arrangements for housing and real estate, urban renewal, rural construction, and so on


We should rectify and standardize the order of the leasing market, strengthen the rectification of “high input and low output”, “long-term revenue and short-term payment” and establish a fund pool in violation of regulations, so as to prevent the risk of “thunder”


We will accelerate the study and compilation of the housing development plan for the 14th five year plan


Affordable rental housing includes public rental housing and policy rental housing


For the housing and urban-rural construction work in 2021, Wang Menghui proposed to focus on the “three new” and earnestly achieve the “three efforts”: focus on entering the new development stage and promoting the new and greater development of housing and Urban-Rural Construction in the “14th five year plan” period; focus on implementing the new development concept and promoting the transformation of the development mode of housing and urban-rural construction; focus on building a new development pattern To give full play to the important fulcrum role of housing and urban and rural construction in boosting domestic demand


It is a major decision and deployment made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core to accurately judge the new situation of urban development in China and to further improve the quality of urban development


He stressed that we should speed up the construction of a housing security system with affordable rental housing and common property housing as the main body


In standardizing the development of the housing rental market, Wang Menghui said that it is necessary to promote the introduction of the “housing rental regulations” and accelerate the improvement of the long-term rental policy


” Wang Menghui said


In accordance with the requirements of the central economic work conference, we will work with relevant departments to speed up the improvement of land, taxation, finance and other supporting policies


“Since the implementation of the long-term mechanism of real estate, with the joint efforts of all parties, the overall operation of the real estate market has been stable, basically achieving the goal of stabilizing land price, housing price and expectation.” Wang Menghui said


In the first year of the fourteenth five year plan, how to take the first step in housing and urban rural construction? What are the practical measures to promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate market? How to solve the housing problems of “new citizens” and other groups with housing difficulties? Xinhua News Agency reporter interviewed Wang Menghui, Minister of housing and urban rural development


We feel deeply responsible


How to promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate market? ——The implementation of the five “practical measures” and “housing and Urban-Rural Construction” is not only an important carrier of implementing the new development concept, but also an important fulcrum of building a new development pattern


Fourth, improve the mechanism of public opinion monitoring and guidance, and objectively interpret the real estate market situation and regulatory policies


At present, China’s urbanization rate has exceeded 60%, entering the middle and late stage of rapid development of urbanization, urban development has entered an important period of urban renewal, from large-scale incremental construction to both quality improvement and incremental structural adjustment


In addition, it is necessary to carry out the pilot of flexible employment personnel participating in the housing provident fund system and housing provident fund supporting the development of rental housing


“To solve the prominent housing problems in big cities, we should pay attention to solving the housing problems of these groups.” Wang Menghui said


Wang Menghui stressed that the connotation of the implementation of urban renewal action is to promote the optimization of urban structure, functional improvement and quality improvement, and change the mode of urban development and construction; the path is to carry out urban physical examination, and coordinate the management of urban planning and construction; the goal is to build a livable, green, resilient, intelligent and humanistic city


Among them, public rental housing mainly faces urban registered residence and income, “double poor” families, and policy oriented rental housing is mainly for new citizens without housing


Wang Menghui said that the city should support the large population of the net population flow to develop common property housing, and the supply scope will be mainly for the registered residence population, and gradually expand to the permanent population



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