Another change of command of central construction enterprises!

Source: on the morning of July 30, China Minmetals Group Co., Ltd


held a meeting of managers above the middle level


Relevant responsible comrades of the Organization Department of the Central Committee announced the Central Committee’s decision on the adjustment of the chairman of China Minmetals Group Co., Ltd.: Comrade Weng Zuliang was appointed chairman and party secretary of China Minmetals Group Co., Ltd


and removed from his post as a member of the Standing Committee and member of the Shanghai municipal Party committee; Tang Fuping was removed from the post of chairman and party secretary of China Minmetals Group Co., Ltd


The appointment and removal of relevant positions shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and articles of association


Resume: Weng Zuliang, male, Han nationality, born in July 1963 in Fuqing, Fujian Province, University, Bachelor of engineering, professor level senior engineer, joined the Communist Party of China in October 1987 and worked in August 1983


1983.08-1988.08; assistant engineer of Shanghai internal combustion engine Research Institute 1988.08-1990.04; engineer and trade union chairman of Shanghai internal combustion engine Research Institute 1990.04-1993.07; trade union chairman, senior engineer and Party committee member of Shanghai internal combustion engine Research Institute 1993.07-1998.12; deputy director and Party committee member of Shanghai internal combustion engine Research Institute 1998.12-1999.12; director of Shanghai internal combustion engine research institute Member of the Party committee (bureau level) from December 1999 to April 2001, director and member of the Party committee (bureau level) of Shanghai Institute of internal combustion engines, director of Shanghai Institute of automotive industry quality inspection (from May 2000 to June 2000, studying in the 42nd leading cadre training class of the Party School of Shanghai municipal Party committee), Secretary of the Party committee and director of Shanghai Institute of internal combustion engines from April 2001 to August 2002, Director of Shanghai Automotive Industry Technology Center, director of Shanghai Automotive Industry Quality Inspection Institute, 2002.08-2003.05, party secretary and director of Shanghai internal combustion engine research institute, director of Shanghai Automotive Industry Technology Center, director of Shanghai Automotive Industry Quality Inspection Institute, party secretary and vice president of Shanghai Automotive Engineering Research Institute, 2003.05-2004.10, Deputy director of Shanghai Municipal Bureau of quality and technical supervision (director level) (2001.10-2003.10, majoring in business administration at Macao University of science and Technology) from October 2004 to July 2006, deputy secretary and deputy director of the Party committee of Shanghai Municipal Bureau of quality and technical supervision from July 2006 to May 2008, secretary and director of the Party committee of Shanghai Municipal Bureau of quality and technical supervision from May 2008 to June 2008, deputy secretary of Shanghai Luwan District Party committee Secretary of the Party group of the district government from June 2008 to July 2008, deputy secretary, deputy head and acting head of the Luwan District Party committee of Shanghai from July 2008 to September 2011, deputy secretary and head of the Luwan District Party committee of Shanghai (from March 2009 to July 2009, studying in the training class for young and middle-aged cadres of the Central Party School) from September 2011 to October 2011, deputy secretary of the Zhabei District Party committee of Shanghai and Secretary of the Party group of the district government from October 2011 to January 2012, Deputy secretary and acting district head of Shanghai Zhabei District Party committee, Secretary of the Party group of the district government from January 2012 to April 2013, deputy secretary and head of Shanghai Zhabei District Party committee, Secretary of the Party group of the district government from April 2013 to January 2015, Secretary of Shanghai Zhabei District Party committee from January 2015 to July 2016, Secretary of Shanghai Huangpu District Party committee from July 2016 to August 2016, Deputy Secretary General of Shanghai Municipal People’s government and Deputy Secretary of Pudong New Area District Party committee, Deputy district head, acting district head, Secretary of the Party group of the district government, executive deputy director of the Management Committee of China (Shanghai) pilot Free Trade Zone, deputy director of the Management Committee of Shanghai international tourism resort, deputy director of the development and Construction Management Committee of port area, August 2016 – December 2016, Deputy Secretary General of Shanghai Municipal People’s government, deputy secretary of the district Party committee of Pudong New Area, district head and Secretary of the Party group of the district government, Executive deputy director of the administrative committee of China (Shanghai) pilot Free Trade Zone, deputy director of the administrative committee of Shanghai international tourism resort, deputy director of the administrative committee of port area development and construction, December 2016 to March 2017, Deputy Secretary General of Shanghai Municipal People’s government, Secretary of Pudong New Area District Party committee, executive deputy director of the administrative committee of China (Shanghai) pilot Free Trade Zone Deputy director of Shanghai International Tourism Resort Management Committee, deputy director of Shanghai port area development and construction management committee, member of the Standing Committee of Shanghai municipal Party committee, Secretary of Pudong New Area District Party committee, executive deputy director of China (Shanghai) pilot Free Trade Zone Management Committee, deputy director of Shanghai International Tourism Resort Management Committee and deputy director of Shanghai port area development and construction management committee, April 2017 -, Member of the Standing Committee of Shanghai municipal Party committee, Secretary of Pudong New Area Party committee, director of the Management Committee of China (Shanghai) pilot Free Trade Zone, July 2021, chairman and party secretary of China Minmetals Group Co., Ltd


Tang Fuping, deputy to the 19th CPC National Congress and the 15th Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress, male, Han nationality, born in March 1958 in Yingkou, Liaoning Province, is a professor level senior engineer


Graduated from Beijing University of science and technology, majoring in iron and steel metallurgy


1982 – Bachelor degree in steelmaking major of Anshan Iron and Steel College; 2000 – Master’s degree in management engineering from Northeast University; 2006 – graduated from Beijing University of science and technology, majoring in iron and steel metallurgy; 1982-1995: Assistant Engineer and engineer in steelmaking workshop of Angang No


3 steelmaking plant, section chief, deputy director and director of continuous casting workshop; From 1995 to 1998, deputy director, acting director, director and director of Angang No


3 steelmaking plant, acting director of Angang No


1 steelmaking plant and person in charge of continuous casting production, director, deputy manager, general manager and party secretary of Angang New Rolling Company; From 1998 to 2001, he successively served as Deputy Secretary of the Party committee of Angang and general manager, deputy secretary and Secretary of the Party committee of new steel rolling company, general manager and leader of the Party committee preparation group of new steel company; From 2001 to 2005, he served as member of the Standing Committee of the Party committee and deputy general manager of Angang and general manager and vice chairman of the new rolling company


Since 2005, he has served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Party committee of Angang, and successively served as the general manager and vice chairman of the new rolling company, the general manager and vice chairman of the joint stock company, and the deputy leader of the Party committee preparation group


Member of Angang Party committee, deputy general manager of Angang Standing Committee in 2009; January 2013 – member of the Standing Committee of the Party committee, deputy general manager and general manager of Anshan Iron and Steel Group; From February 2015 to February 2016, director, general manager and Deputy Secretary of the Party committee of Angang Group; From February 2016 to January 2018, chairman and party secretary of Angang Group; From January 2018 to July 2021, chairman and party secretary of China Minmetals Group Co., Ltd


Member of the 12th Liaoning Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, deputy to the 12th National People’s Congress (by election in January 2017), member of the Economic Committee of the 13th CPPCC National Committee  。 Vice president of China Iron and Steel Industry Association (elected in January 2016)


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