An affair between a migrant worker on a construction site and an old aunt

She doesn’t earn much money by doing small work


109 at the end of the summer vacation, Jiang Chen came to Shanghai to study at University, and Du Lingmei followed


Without saying a word, she went into the kitchen to help him, and later things happened—— Unbestie to be continued – Author: Song Yu, the author of emotional novel, your intimate male girlfriends, official account Song Yu (ID:sydgzh)


Ask the way? Where“ Jiang Chen saw that she was wearing very sexy clothes


She sold it several times and found that it was not stable enough


Jiang Chen has to pay tuition, accommodation and living expenses


Therefore, they were not willing to give up money


I’m waiting for you“ Du Lingmei shouted behind


At your age, that sentence is not heartbreaking


Only the old woman had a headache in those days when she came


” I want to use money


No“ Although Jiang Chen likes old women in his heart, it makes him feel safe, but he is still afraid of being so brazen


You have to rely on him to make money


The two were lying in bed, chatting one after another


Jiang Chen suddenly felt sad


It can be said that it is his teacher


His IQ is in arrears


She can see through such a little boy“ No“ Jiang Chen hurried forward


A few years ago, Jiang Chen went to him and called the police


After thinking for a few days, he felt there was nothing wrong


Du Lingmei stroked the jade pendant in Jiang Chen’s neck and fell into memory


Her customers were older people or younger migrant workers who had little money


” Jiang Chen’s head rested on Du Lingmei’s shoulder


Take it, Xiao Jiang


Why not


One night, just finished his work, he went to the bathroom


If you haven’t seen the previous chapter, please click the topic on the illustration to read it


Impulse is the stupidest act in a person’s life


She was not young, but she wore makeup and had a beauty“ The way in your heart


It was useless


The construction site is located in a remote place, especially in the area of the toilet, with weeds


106 “it doesn’t matter who I am.” Du Lingmei shook her neck and leaned against Jiang Chen


” Don’t be afraid, my sister doesn’t want your money, and my sister can give you money


The corners of her eyes and eyebrows were old


After all, children in their early 20s won’t have so many twists and turns“ When I graduate, we’ll get married, okay? ” The moonlight sprinkled on Du Lingmei’s face through the window lattice


After all, we still have to rely on him to make money““ I didn’t feel wronged


Maybe she thinks there is too much difference..


After going to the bathroom, he just came out and was suddenly patted on the ass by a man“ Who? ” He cried subconsciously


He seemed to forget all the people in his hometown


“OK, I’ll think about it


If he wants to apply for this class and that class in his spare time, he needs money


” Did you name your son? Or Peng Peng“ Jiang Chen asked her“ What, Peng Peng, it’s too earthy


She went in and asked for a bowl of snail powder


At that time, Zhao Mingyuan said that Peng Peng meant that he had a bright future


He has an Oedipus complex, prefers older women, and really needs money


They can’t change this bumpy smell


He was stuck in his throat


During the summer vacation, he went to work on the construction site


Long press to pay attention.


” Du Lingmei smiled


In my words, send you a meeting


Now, Du Lingmei gave him a home


Then one day when I was walking in the street, I saw a young boss greeting guests in front of the store


“Sometimes I can’t help beating him, but I can’t help biting my teeth


This is the case with rural people


” Du Lingmei covered her mouth and burst out laughing, “little brother, haven’t you broken Chu yet, sister, let me help you““ No..


The level of consumption in Shanghai was there, and the two soon found it difficult


He stretched out his hand and stroked her cheek


Having children is too physical, not to mention at your age“ 107 “um…” Du Lingmei felt cool


At the age of ten, he felt that he had no home


Later, she thought of selling


Grandpa and grandma are old and can’t make much money, so he knew to make money by himself when he was very young, picking up waste products, serving dishes in restaurants, and so on


Shall we..


“Alas, the days of hiding have finally passed


In the third year of senior high school, he was admitted to a university in Shanghai


In short, it was very complicated


Getting married now is not suitable for you


It was not only for Du Lingmei, but also for him


In short, his father became a mystery


However, what Jiang Chen said is also true


Later, he gave up


When Jiang Chen was ten years old, his mother died and had a traffic accident


In the twinkling of an eye, they have known each other for two years..


Finish your studies well“ Du Lingmei smiled, leaned into his arms and smelled the breath from the young body


Anyway, you’ve been at school all day, but you’ve been angry with that man, haven’t you“ Jiang Chen took her hand and kissed her on her lips


You don’t need to send keywords in the background


” The child drank some milk and fell asleep


He didn’t know whether he died outside or prospered


The Xiong department was crowded and was about to collapse


Have a try? ” Du Lingmei grabbed his lower body“ Forget it, you’d better raise it again


After eating, she said, sorry, I forgot to bring money


Du Lingmei has rich experience after all, which gave him a good experience


You have culture


Illustration: Baidu here is the story series “Shanghai dream” of Song Yu


“How are you recovering? Does it still hurt? ““ It’s almost ready


I don’t care


However, the tuition was not available


There’s nothing wrong with Peng Peng


At that moment, Du Lingmei knew that this man, dull and simple, was her target


Although Du Lingmei worked in her early years and saved some money, after all, she didn’t have much to eat and drink


At this time, Du Lingmei thought of a way


Let’s use it as a nickname first


” OK, I’m not in a hurry


Basically, I don’t need to spend too much time on it


Du Lingmei doesn’t have much skill


That day, she watched TV and found that someone could make money by getting married, which gave her inspiration


Zhao Mingyuan said with a smile


I think you must be short of money because you work hard so young“ Du Lingmei knows people very well


I washed the dishes for you and blocked my powder money, OK? No, no, a bowl of powder is not worth a few dollars


Oh, no, more than three years


” Although Jiang Chen is Du Lingmei’s boyfriend, she has been embarrassed to call her husband


Sure enough, within a few days, Jiang Chen surrendered


He went out to work alone and didn’t come back for many years


You can’t be impulsive


His father left him to his grandparents to take care of


It was dark and the lights were dim“ Little brother, can I ask you a way“ Du Lingmei stood out from behind“ Ask..


“You’re right


Now, you completely belong to me and I completely belong to you, baby, wronged you““ It should be said that I wronged you

. Fixing Socket Waved End

Remember to come here at nine o’clock at night



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