Actively promote the construction of Ganxi warehouse! Participate in the expert review meeting of project planning and architectural design

Click the blue word to follow us! Actively promote the construction of Ganxi warehouse! Participate in the expert review meeting of project planning and architectural design scheme      On August 27, 2021, at the invitation of Xinyu Natural Resources Bureau, Li Zhenhua, deputy director of provincial yuan Administration Bureau, led a team to participate in the expert review meeting of planning and architectural design scheme of Ganxi warehouse construction project of flood and drought disaster prevention material reserve of Jiangxi Provincial Department of water resources.

After the design unit modifies and improves the planning and design scheme according to the expert review opinions, it will actively cooperate with the Municipal Bureau of natural resources for review, publicity and approval according to the procedure.

Listen to experts     At the meeting, Li Zhenhua expressed his gratitude to the experts for their valuable opinions and will communicate with the design unit in combination with their opinions to further optimize the design scheme.

Listen to five experts from the municipal planning and Design Institute, including registered urban and rural planners, registered water supply and drainage engineers and first-class registered architects from other units, and conduct special review on the planning and design scheme of Ganxi warehouse construction project of flood and drought disaster prevention material reserve of Jiangxi Provincial Department of water resources.

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At the on-site review meeting of the review meeting, the municipal planning and Design Institute made a scheme report.

After the report, the experts put forward modification opinions and suggestions on the planning and design scheme of Ganxi warehouse for flood and drought disaster prevention materials reserve of Jiangxi Provincial Department of water resources from the aspects of general layout, traffic organization, public green space, building monomer and supporting facilities according to relevant laws, regulations, policies and technical regulations.


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