A full set of construction manual, all construction process standards in the project! Very complete, very practical! Download 1 ~ 5 volumes

Since its publication in 1980, the second edition in 1988, the third edition in 1997 and the fourth edition in 2003, the construction manual has still been a standing book for construction personnel and has a high position in the hearts of engineering people.

Introduction this time, we share 1 ~ 5 volumes of the fifth edition of the construction manual, which are very complete.

1 ~ 5 volumes of PDF version, 5925 pages in total, without access.

Incomplete construction manual ~ ~ ~ data.

At the same time, it has made important contributions to promoting the progress of engineering technology and the development of engineering construction.

Today, we have collected and sorted out these five volumes, removed unnecessary LG and watermark, and now share them with you.

I hope you can study hard and make your modest contribution to the construction of our country.

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