The national standard general code for civil buildings will come into effect on March 1 next year

Civil buildings shall take comprehensive disaster prevention safety measures such as fire prevention, earthquake resistance, flood control, air defense, wind and snow resistance and lightning protection, and the structure shall meet the requirements of corresponding design working life.

If the relevant provisions in the current engineering construction standards are inconsistent with the specifications, the provisions of the specifications shall prevail.

The site selection of civil buildings shall meet the safety requirements.

The code points out that the construction, use and maintenance of civil buildings should follow the principle of sustainable development, correctly handle the relationship between people, buildings and the environment, and build a reasonable space that matches the use function; Implement the policy requirements of energy saving, land saving, water saving, material saving and environmental protection; Coordinate with the environment, and reflect the characteristics of the times and regional culture.

The residential buildings shall ensure the living safety and privacy of the residents, and meet the requirements of lighting, ventilation and sound insulation.

Prefabricated buildings shall adopt integrated, modular, standardized and universal prefabricated parts and components.

The outdoor public places, building components and public equipment and facilities of civil buildings shall be regularly maintained, repaired and supervised.

From China Construction News, August 30, 2022..

The materials and structures of the exterior wall decoration surface layer, components, doors and windows of the building shall be safe and reliable, meet the functional and performance requirements within the design working life, and shall be regularly maintained during use to prevent falling.

In addition, civil buildings shall be provided with corresponding safety and guidance sign systems.

At the same time, it is clear that the code is a mandatory engineering construction code, and all provisions must be strictly implemented.

Public buildings such as education, office and scientific research, commercial services, public activities, transportation, medical care and social and livelihood services shall not only meet the space and use requirements for various activities, but also meet the requirements of transportation and personnel distribution.

According to the code, the construction of civil buildings should follow the principles of safety, hygiene, health and comfort, and provide reasonable use space for people’s life, work, communication and other social activities.

The connection between the decoration materials, decorative surface or components and the main structure shall be safe and firm.

The use space should meet the basic requirements of ergonomics.

Cast In Loop

The Ministry of housing and urban rural development recently issued an announcement approving the general code for civil buildings (hereinafter referred to as the code) as a national standard, which will be implemented on March 1, 2023.

At the same time, the accessibility requirements shall be met, and the facilities with accessibility performance shall be set in a systematic and coherent manner.

Outdoor decoration shall not affect the safety of the building structure, and safety and environmental protection decoration materials shall be selected.


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