The architectural design of the previous winter Olympic Games is a “big market point”!

The outer glass curtain wall as transparent as ice has a very complex curved skeleton.

With his skillful visual deception technology and some high-tech materials, the building he built allows people to experience the sense of smallness in the vastness and create the illusion of tension.

After the Winter Olympic Games, it was rebuilt and reopened as an open-air football field in 2016.

In the original design, it had an Easter egg shaped shell dome, and the stadium was completely closed when it was first built that year.

Chang Yafei, President of populous China, an internationally renowned architectural design company, said that the shape of the gymnasium was inspired by the childhood game “ice gyroscope” of children in the north.

With the LED lights lit at night, it looks as if it is constantly circling and rising from a distance.

Fisht Olympic stadium is also one of the venues hosting the 2018 World Cup in Russia.

The stadium is the first large-scale stadium in Russia with transparent all glass structure and polycarbonate roof.

After the reconstruction, the two huge roofs of the fisht Olympic stadium are like mountains, which can shelter the 40000 spectators.

The black building that appeared at the Pingchang Winter Olympic Games is definitely the most eye-catching existence.

The design of “ice ribbon” not only has a strong Chinese memory, but also contains our long history and culture.

The 22 ribbons are spliced by 3360 curved glass.

It can be said to be an important milestone in the history of sustainable buildings in the Winter Olympics.

The “Ribbon” comes from the flying sky of Dunhuang murals, because they are not born with wings, but with Colorful streamers flying in the air.

The concept map of “ice ribbon” of the national speed skating hall.

As the main creator of the project, he projected the winter amusement he had carried out on the ice of Shichahai into the original concept of the design.

It is this combination of external softness and internal rigidity and softness that makes it a new coordinate on the central axis of the Olympic Games in a dancing posture.

It turned out that the outer wall of the building was concave and circular arc, and the luminous objects were tubes on the surface of the outer wall.

Looking from a distance, the ski center is connected with the other two venues by the plank road to form a scene of “ice jade surrounded by snow and good luck”, which is like plain color like brocade and linked with beauty.

Everything seems to be in the void.

Source: China Shuey Rhon Rhon Tung Chun is the fifth day of the Winter Olympic Games in Beijing.

Waved Anchor

The Ontario Pavilion is seen as a major entrance to Ontario in form and experience.

Asif Khan said he was an astronaut in the closet.

Everything is just a visual effect.

In those years, the technology of this exterior wall device was very advanced..

The ice ribbon took three years to be officially completed on December 25, 2021.

Only by creating a positive and meaningful winter Olympic heritage can these buildings be more valuable.

The national speed skating hall is the only new permanent venue for the Olympic Games.

It supports a new space with magnificent structures, and there are many rafters and tiles waiting for us to explore in the details.

The Ontario Pavilion at the Vancouver Winter Olympics is inspired by the landmark scenic spot Nicaragua falls in Ontario.

It makes a dream restoration of the scene of fog and water droplets flowing.

The construction area of the venue is about 80000 square meters and can accommodate about 12000 spectators.

From a distance, it is dark, and only the surface is lit with tiny lights.

With the help of the names of traditional objects such as “snow Ruyi” and “ice jade ring”, it reflects the elegant Chinese style of “color is rhythm, and the outline sings quatrains”.

This is because the British architect asif Khan painted the exterior wall of the building with a coating called vantablack vbx2, which can absorb 99% of the light, so that the shaped 3D surface presents a two-dimensional visual impression.

The modern exhibition hall designed by Hyundai Motor Company is called “the darkest exhibition hall in the world”.

After approaching, I opened the curtain of reality and found that it was all a cover up.

Now it is still close to the mountains and the sea and holds various sports events.

Today’s national celebration day, besides the mascot of the Winter Olympic Games, Wang Bing’s Pier and snow Rong Rong are the hot cakes of the national treasure giant panda and the red lantern.

The design concept behind this modern and scientific speed skating hall is simple and warm.

However, with the change of perspective and position, these lights seem to move and flicker.

Inside the pavilion is a huge “water chamber”, which emits 25000 water droplets per minute.

While full of artistic conception, the building of the national speed skating hall also shines with the streamer and color endowed by science and technology.

The nicknames of the ice and snow family in the Winter Olympic venues also contain the charm of Chinese culture.

The stadium that held the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games in that year was named after the famous fisht mountain in Russia.

Nowadays, energy-saving and passive design concepts are constantly mentioned.

Through this winter Olympics, let’s take a look at the brilliant architectural venue design of Beijing Winter Olympics and previous winter Olympics! The design concept of the ski jumping center of the Winter Olympic Games inherits Chinese traditional ideology and culture.

Because 22 rotating light bands surround the facade of the stadium, it is named “ice ribbon”.

When people care about the shape and comprehensive performance of the venue, they are more concerned about whether the venue can be reused after the Winter Olympics, As well as the cost of re investment in the demolition and site restoration of venues that cannot be reused, it is not advisable to build large-scale construction in a hurry.

Architecture has always been an inexhaustible source of inspiration for fashion.

These lights don’t flicker or move.


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