Wuwei city construction site dust pollution prevention and control measures announced, effective from April 3, 2021

Wuwei Liren gynecological hospital reminds you to pay attention to the order No.2 of Wuwei Municipal People’s government “measures for the prevention and control of dust pollution at construction sites in Wuwei City” has been deliberated and adopted at the 113th executive meeting of the municipal government on February 27, 2021


It is hereby promulgated and will be implemented as of April 3, 2021


Article 1 in order to effectively prevent and control the dust pollution of construction sites, improve the quality of atmospheric environment, protect public health, and promote the construction of ecological civilization, according to the environmental protection law of the people’s Republic of China, the air pollution prevention law of the people’s Republic of China, the air pollution prevention regulations of Gansu Province and other laws and regulations, the management measures for the prevention and control of dust pollution of construction sites in Wuwei city are concluded These measures are formulated in accordance with the actual situation of the city


Article 2 These measures are applicable to the prevention, control, supervision and management of dust pollution at construction sites within the administrative region of this Municipality


Where laws, regulations and rules have other provisions on the prevention and control of dust pollution at construction sites, such provisions shall prevail


The term “construction site dust pollution” as mentioned in these Measures refers to the air pollution caused by dust particles generated from construction sites such as housing construction, municipal infrastructure construction and demolition of buildings (structures) in the administrative region of this Municipality


Article 3 the prevention and control of fugitive dust pollution at construction sites shall adhere to the principles of government leading, enterprise main body, prevention first, combination of prevention and control, and public participation


Article 4 the municipal and county (District) people’s governments shall strengthen the leadership over the prevention and control of dust pollution at construction sites within their respective administrative areas, encourage and guide the popularization and application of new materials, new technologies, new processes and new equipment for the prevention and control of dust pollution at construction sites, and take effective measures to prevent and control dust pollution at construction sites


Township (town) people’s governments and sub district offices shall, in accordance with the work arrangements of the municipal, county (District) people’s governments and relevant departments, cooperate in the prevention and control of dust pollution at construction sites within their respective jurisdiction


Article 5 the municipal department in charge of ecological environment shall exercise unified supervision and management over the prevention and control of dust pollution at construction sites in this Municipality


The municipal and county (District) departments in charge of housing and urban rural construction shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of the prevention and control of dust pollution at construction sites within their respective administrative areas


The municipal and county (District) urban management (comprehensive) law enforcement departments are responsible for the supervision and management of the transportation and disposal of bulk building materials, construction waste and engineering residue at construction sites, and the implementation of relatively centralized administrative punishment power in the prevention and control of dust pollution at construction sites


Public security, transportation, natural resources and other relevant departments shall do a good job in the prevention and control of dust pollution at construction sites in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, rules and the division of responsibilities determined by the municipal and county (District) people’s governments


Article 6 the municipal, county (District) people’s governments and their relevant departments, township (town) people’s governments and sub district offices shall strengthen the publicity and education of laws and regulations on the prevention and control of dust pollution at construction sites, so as to enhance the public’s awareness of environmental protection and the concept of the rule of law


The news media should actively carry out public welfare publicity on the prevention and control of dust pollution at construction sites, and strengthen public opinion supervision on the prevention and control of dust pollution at construction sites


Article 7 villagers’ committees and residents’ committees shall assist in the prevention and control of dust pollution at construction sites, timely discover, dissuade and report dust pollution behaviors, and cooperate with relevant departments in the prevention and control of dust pollution at construction sites


Encourage and support industry associations to formulate and implement professional norms for dust pollution prevention and control at construction sites, and strengthen self-discipline management


Article 8 responsibilities of the construction unit: (1) include the cost of construction dust control into the project cost, specify the relevant contents in the project contract, and pay in full and in time, and use the special funds for special purposes; (2) specify the responsibility of the construction unit for dust pollution prevention and control in the construction contract, urge the construction unit to prepare the special scheme for dust pollution prevention and control in construction projects, and implement each item Measures for prevention and control of dust pollution; (3) for the construction land that can not be started temporarily, the bare ground shall be covered, and if it has been more than three months, it shall be afforested, paved or covered; (4) other duties stipulated by laws and regulations


Article 9 responsibilities of the construction unit: (1) establish the responsibility system for the control of construction dust, formulate a specific special scheme for the control of construction dust according to the characteristics of the project, specify the dust control objectives, prevention and control parts and control measures, and file with the local housing and urban and rural construction administrative department for strict implementation; (2) implement the specific measures in accordance with the provisions of these measures and the construction contract To undertake the prevention and control of dust pollution in construction site, to provide relevant management personnel, to establish the inspection system of dust pollution prevention and control, to regularly organize the special inspection of dust pollution prevention and control in construction site, and to implement various dust pollution prevention and control measures in construction site; (3) to establish the publicity system of dust pollution prevention and control, and to publicize the dust pollution prevention and control measures and the person in charge in the prominent position of construction site (4) prepare the plan for the use of the special expenses for the prevention and control of dust pollution before the construction of the project to ensure the special use of the expenses; (5) urge the residue transportation units to establish the management system and relevant measures for the prevention and control of dust pollution in the transportation of engineering residue (construction waste), use compliant vehicles, and strengthen the supervision of residue transportation vehicles and personnel (6) for the project under the general contract management, the general contractor shall take the overall responsibility for the dust pollution prevention and control work of the subcontractors, sign relevant management agreements with the subcontractors, and urge the subcontractors to fully implement the dust pollution prevention and control measures; (7) clear and transport the construction earthwork, engineering residue, construction waste and other bulk materials in a timely manner, so as to ensure that they are in the construction site (8) establish a working account to record the implementation of dust pollution prevention measures, the coverage area, the times of entering and leaving the car washing and the duration of time and other information every day; (9) other duties stipulated by laws and regulations


Article 10 the supervision unit shall bring the prevention and control of dust pollution into the scope of project supervision, put forward targeted supervision measures in combination with the characteristics of the project, and require the construction unit to make immediate corrections if it fails to carry out the construction in accordance with the prevention and control measures of dust pollution, and timely report to the construction unit and the relevant competent departments of housing, urban and rural construction, ecological environment, etc


in the place where the project is located


Article 11 the enterprises of ready mixed concrete and ready mixed mortar shall incorporate the dust pollution prevention measures or schemes into the quality management system, and carry out green production in accordance with the requirements of the industry standard of technical regulations for green production and management of ready mixed concrete


Construction sites shall use ready mixed concrete or ready mixed mortar in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state


Article 12 the construction site shall be closed and hard enclosure shall be adopted


The construction site of the main road section in the city should be set up with a height of not less than 2.5m enclosure, and the construction site of the general road section should be set up with a height of not less than 1.8m enclosure


The enclosed enclosure of the construction site shall be firm, stable, clean and beautiful, and shall meet the requirements of urban landscape planning and safe sight distance of vehicles


In case of damage, pollution, ash and dust accumulation, the construction unit shall arrange personnel for repair and cleaning in time


In case of adverse weather conditions or other safety needs, reinforcement measures should be taken to prevent the collapse of the enclosure


Article 13 the construction unit shall take the following dust pollution prevention and control measures at the entrances and exits of construction sites: (1) the entrances and exits of construction site vehicles shall be equipped with vehicle washing equipment and precipitation and filtration facilities, and the wheels and body of vehicles shall be cleaned when they leave the site to prevent mud from going on the road; (2) the entrances and exits of construction site vehicles shall be hardened or paved with steel plate and other hard materials to prevent dust pollution Destroy the urban road surface and underground pipeline facilities, effectively prevent dust.



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