Wuhan project: influenced by the height control of super high-rise buildings by the Ministry of housing and urban rural development, the

The official account of WeChat North Central is personal and wants to record Wuhan as far as possible.

Affected by the height control of super high-rise buildings by the Ministry of housing and urban rural development, the project scheme is currently under optimization design.

located at the intersection of Jiangcheng Avenue and Sixin Avenue in Hanyang District.

Lifting Loop

Hanyang District: according to the investigation and verification of Hanyang Branch of the Municipal Planning Bureau, hailunburg Haiyue world is a project of Wuhan Yilei Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.

Wuhan city official account, Wuhan public information center, was informed that the Wuhan project was affected by the Ministry of housing’s high management and control over super high-rise buildings.

Welcome to provide first-hand real information to me (personal wechat jianghua2046)..


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