Women’s college trains official reception etiquette for Quzhou construction industry

Nvzixueyuan women’s college trains official reception etiquette for Quzhou construction industry


On March 5, at the invitation of Quzhou Construction Enterprise Association, Wu Junxia and Zhang Yixin of Quzhou women’s college come to the annual internal training of construction industry, bringing them a wonderful course of official reception etiquette


There are about 160 participants from all parts of Quzhou City


They are strangers


They slowly opened their hearts and experienced the wonders of etiquette in teacher Wu Junxia’s relaxed and active course


Quzhou etiquette, let etiquette lead life




Wu Junxia quoted allusions and derived from the etiquette content contained in the details of life to the etiquette content that should be paid attention to in the government office


The interactive links inserted from time to time made the scene laugh


For a good training, a good course should not only have full content support, but also attractive teaching skills


Only in this way can such a course be truly recognized, accepted and used in the industry training, and such a course is also a training concept practiced by women’s college


If you don’t learn etiquette, you can’t stand it


Let Quzhou become the most polite City



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