What should we pay attention to when buying high-rise residential buildings? Architect: floor selection is very important

Since the development of the real estate industry, the house now has not only the residential property, but also the investment property


For the house, it can be said that it is a very good investment


Many families buy a house to keep its value, or even appreciate it, so as to increase their wealth


But for now, the investment of buying a house is no longer feasible


Since the introduction of regulatory policies in 2016, it has been tightening in recent years, making the property market gradually stable, and house prices are not as crazy as before


Even for some cities, house prices are still falling in recent years


This kind of thing is not a few, because now the house price has been very high, and the house price in many cities is unreasonably high, which is not the level of the house price itself


Therefore, after the tightening of regulatory policies, these cities with unreasonably high house prices began to slowly fall back and gradually return to a reasonable level


So it’s not as easy to buy a house as it used to be


It can be said that the era of making money when buying a house is over


Even economist Ma Guangyuan once said that there will only be three 20% real estate markets in the future, 20% cities, 20% real estate enterprises and 20% real estate


Only these three 20% are worth investing, and the remaining houses will lose investment value


In this case, there is a real basis


The main problem is that there is a large number of houses in surplus


A lot of people may not believe it, but it is


For the current urban residents, the housing ownership rate has reached 96%, of which 31.0% of the families have two apartments, and 10.5% of the families have three or more apartments


It can be said that urban housing alone is enough for 1.3 billion people to live, and rural housing alone is enough for 3.4 billion people to live


Moreover, the vacancy rate of urban housing in China has been very high


According to the survey data of Southwest University of Finance and economics, in 2017, the vacancy rate of urban housing in China has reached 22%


It can be said that many newly built residential areas are “empty cities”, and there are not many people living in them


Most of them are bought by people to keep their value


Now the house is still under construction, and the new population is decreasing, and there will be more and more houses in the future


In addition, with the tightening of regulatory policies, houses tend to return to a reasonable trend


Therefore, it will be very difficult to invest and buy houses in the future


Only those big cities and cities with continuous population inflow can houses have investment value, and there are better quality houses in cities


Speaking of this, many people will wonder, what kind of house is a good house? In fact, this is very simple


A house that is suitable for one’s own family and has a better living experience is a good house


In fact, there are many aspects involved, such as residential area, residential supporting facilities, residential lot, house type, floor, etc., which are the problems that buyers need to consider


If there is a little bad choice, the living experience will be greatly reduced


So for buying a house, these aspects need attention, especially for the floor, is a very important aspect


Let’s find out what problems we should pay attention to when choosing floors


01 families with old people had better choose low floors


For low floors, the effect of lighting and ventilation is poor, but travel is more convenient


For high-rise residential buildings, travel has always been a big problem, because the floor is too high, resulting in many people travel are more dependent on the elevator


But this method also has some disadvantages, if the elevator power failure or failure, you need to take the stairs to travel


Moreover, in case of fire, it is difficult for high-rise residents to escape


The elevator can not be taken, so they can only escape by step


If the floor is too high, the escape time is very long, so it is a big disadvantage for high-rise residential buildings


For the elderly, their own legs and feet are not very convenient, if the elevator power failure or failure, it is very difficult to travel


If you choose to live on a low floor, even if the elevator fails, you can still climb several floors of stairs


But if you live on a high floor, the elderly can’t stand dozens of floors of stairs


Therefore, for families with the elderly, it is better to choose low floor residence, which is more convenient for travel


02 families pursuing living experience can choose the middle floor


For the middle floor, it is generally the most expensive one in a building, also known as the “golden floor”


Let’s divide the floors


If a building has 30 floors, the 1-10 floors are called low floors, the 11-20 floors are called middle floors, and the 21-30 floors are called high floors


For the middle floor, there is no problem of poor lighting and ventilation effect of low floor, and there is no problem of travel trouble of high floor, so living is more comfortable


For now, people’s economic level has been greatly improved


When choosing a house, they all want to choose a house with better living experience


And we also said that the middle floor has no obvious shortcomings


Even if the elevator is powered off, climbing stairs will not be as time-consuming and laborious as high-rise floors, and will not be blocked by the front floor, so the living experience is better


For families who pay more attention to the living experience, they can choose the house of the middle floor


03 families who have requirements for lighting and ventilation and pay more attention to privacy can choose high-rise buildings


For high-rise buildings, the main problem is travel


Because they rely on elevators to travel, they often need to wait for elevators


As we all know, it is very common to wait for the elevator on the high floor


Many times when the elevator reaches the high floor, the elevator is full of people and needs to wait for the next elevator, especially in the rush hour


But for high-rise buildings, the advantage is also very obvious, because the front floor can not block the daylighting of the high floor, so the daylighting and ventilation effect of the high floor are very good, the indoor is relatively bright and transparent, and the air quality is also relatively good


And for those families who pay more attention to privacy, it is also a very good choice


Because if you choose the low floor, you can see the interior of the low floor clearly by standing on the top of other buildings, and for the high floor, privacy is undoubtedly very good


So for the lighting and ventilation effect requirements, and more attention to privacy of the family, choose high-rise or very good


For the choice of floor, the most important is suitable for their families to live


For example, as I said before, the elderly are inconvenient


If they live on a high floor, the living experience will not be very good


There is also a family that pays more attention to privacy


If you choose to live on the first floor, pedestrians walking on the roadside can see the indoor situation, and you need to close the curtains every day, which makes the interior dark and the living experience will not be very good


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Author: Tension Source: Yunnan Pugao Qiubei Yanshan Project Department Editor: Jiang Xueli Sponsored by: Party Committee Office of China Railway No.8 Engineering Group Construction Company (Corporate Culture Department).. Ringlock Scaffolding