What architecture can become the identity of Beijing? The architect said it was those dilapidated slab buildings

Some old houses will disappear, but new ones will always grow, “he told yimagazine.” although it is cheap, it is more practical and organic


  When I was in my master’s degree, I began to pay attention to a thing or a kind of scene consciously in the form of topics and series


They are rational and pay attention to deep-seated expression, which requires architects to consider for a long time


When sun Haiting passed by, he could directly see the builder’s usage and needs for the house from the facade of the house


Facade of village in city by sun Haiting   Among architects, in the past decade, some people have tried to record one side of the Beijing market with images, and sun Haiting has also seen this


What I take, how I present it, and what equipment I use are completely controllable, which is very important to me


Because of the need to expand space when renting, the exterior of these houses is often built with additional channels and space by homeowners


  These houses can be said to be the background of the street


The bechets, the founders of Dusseldorf photography school, took a large number of typological images


After graduation, I first did architectural design in the design institute


The “Painting Society” headed by architect Li Han tries to record the details of buildings, streets and shops in Beijing by drawing architectural drawings


For a period of time, I have something I am interested in, which can be conveyed through photography without restriction and relatively quickly


The selected recording object is often not a delicate and bright urban area, but a “place full of folk wisdom”


  This is a common row building in Beijing


  I think these things I photographed have one thing in common, mainly the traces of people


In other words, they use the same lens language, the same weather and the same composition to shoot various types of industrial products, such as water towers and gas tanks, which is equivalent to a specimen collection《 Water tower, 1988, the bechets   When you look at the 30 water towers they took and find that each has different places and similar structures, you no longer look at it from the perspective of popular aesthetics


In sun Haiting’s observation, the longest Banlou in Beijing is near the North Fourth Ring Road, 150 meters long


reporter  | Editor Ren Siyuan | Zhang Yunting began to receive more attention because he took pictures of the “Banlou” in Beijing


The reason why I chose to shoot the appearance instead of going into the building is that in fact, its appearance can reflect a lot of more important information, its size, volume, mode of transportation, and the relationship between its small space, including its relationship with the street


It seems that no one will ever observe it carefully.


Why does that tree appear in that position? Why is it such a tree? ”   He hopes to have a deeper understanding of the city through photography


  The reason why I chose to shoot Banlou is that I have not seen such a large number, such a large volume, and this kind of residential building with clear characteristics of the times in other cities


If no one uses or traces of production activities, it may be difficult for me to like it


Their photos are very objective without much subjective emotion, and because many things are scenes, there will be a lot of rich details in the photos; Sometimes it’s a big, two or three meter photo, which is a bit like a traditional European painting


At first, I was mainly influenced by the German Dusseldorf school


Moreover, because of the long cycle, the iteration of engineering experience is particularly slow


Their horizontal length is obviously greater than the height


In his opinion, although some of these houses are not compliant, the folk and wild architectural solutions are interesting


I started a business with my partners in 2017


It stands square and on the street like a background cloth “


Sun Haiting also talked more with us about his growth in photography and his views on urban images


Now I mainly do work related to site protection


  So I need an exit to quickly realize my own ideas


The house inside is like a mushroom

. Trapezoid Rubber Magnetic Chamfer

For example, Tuanjie lake, a large community with many old houses and complete living facilities, and Sanlitun “dirty street” before tearing down walls and making holes


They regard it as a film, with directors, producers and so on, which is very planned


Here is his oral statement:   Both my undergraduate and graduate students are majoring in architecture


  Sun Haiting felt that what he did to the Banlou in Beijing was close to leaving a portrait and file for them, which was objective and even without emotion


For example, what is the relationship between a new building and the surrounding old buildings, and how to express the surrounding historical context through structure and materials need to be carefully considered, which is completely different from making a visually stimulating net red building


  Compared with going to his hometown and frontier, he felt that perhaps Beijing is often neglected in the eyes of photographers“ Look at the cypress tree, the window and the telegraph pole next to it, “he pointed out the window and told reporters.” when you stare at it for a long time, you will find an unspeakable difference


 “ It’s like a tropical rain forest


As the project is nearing completion, the original idea may have changed


  Let me give an example


To some extent, it is a local specialty of Beijing


  Each of their photos is not decided temporarily, but carefully considered and prepared in advance


This is the function of taking pictures


When passers-by notice, they may marvel at it because it “can’t see its head at a glance” in the distance


Similar words have become one of the reasons why people who pay attention to him appreciate him most


So for people like me who like collecting things that will disappear and will disappear, photography is a good method


As a result, their photos are the output medium of a larger story, in order to convey deeper information, not just good-looking


  Some houses in Europe are the same


It is a top-down force from the people “


This allows me to work continuously and systematically, instead of taking a random picture of beautiful flowers and sunset glow


Architectural design projects have a long cycle, and uncontrollable factors often appear in the middle


They care about his attention to ordinary people’s life, and some can even find traces of their past residence in his photos“ Praising the sentence “leave a portrait of an unknown building”, a reader commented below an interview with him


It is very large, standing on the street like a background board


Life expectancy may not be long


So photographing itself is an elegy behavior, trying to retain what has disappeared


They show the structural nature of such things, so that you can think about what the so-called water tower is, what is the common law between them, and what are the small differences?   Everything will disappear, houses, people and things


The lack of such photos makes the audience of Banlou photos rarely pay attention to the remarkable things around them


Although this may make their photos look particularly emotionless and industrialized, it is normal for people in the Department of architecture to be attracted by this type of photos


 “ The landmark of the city is not the core of the city, but just a jewelry on it, “he told yimagazine


  Also receiving attention is his house in the village outside the West Fourth Ring Road in Beijing


“I have no point of view, but created a second-hand reality”


Sun Haiting’s Beijing “Banlou” series   However, most of the time in the past, its fate was ignored“ “If you don’t talk, you don’t have an expression,” sun Haiting said in his “one seat” speech“ Architects generally want their works to become the focus of attention, but this kind of building seems to have no interest in this kind of thing..



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