Urban renewal and building upgrading! The new real estate policy benefits new products such as stainless steel water pipes and pipe

We will introduce the implementation plan of carbon peak in the field of urban and rural construction, guide all localities to formulate detailed plans, and promote the green development of urban and rural construction.

We will accelerate the development of the long-term rental housing market.

Sixth, promote the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry.

We will implement the project to improve the quality and safety of rural houses, continue to carry out dangerous house transformation and earthquake resistance transformation, and further promote the investigation and rectification of potential safety hazards of rural houses.

Study and establish a statistical monitoring system for carbon emissions from urban and rural construction.

The Ministry of housing and urban rural development said that in 2022, we should focus on six aspects: first, strengthen the regulation of the real estate market.

The construction of affordable rental housing has accelerated significantly, and 942000 new affordable rental housing units have been raised in 40 cities across the country.

Improve the intelligent construction policy and industrial system, and vigorously develop prefabricated buildings.

88000 new public rental houses have been started.

Build the evaluation index system of green and low-carbon cities, counties, communities and villages, and study and establish the evaluation system and methods.

Third, the implementation of urban renewal action.

Urban renewal has been carried out steadily, the urban physical examination evaluation mechanism has been effectively implemented, and 59 sample cities have carried out urban physical examination.

21 cities have carried out urban renewal pilot projects, strengthened the protection and inheritance of history and culture, established the protection and evaluation system of national famous historical and cultural cities, strengthened the delimitation of historical and cultural blocks and the determination of historical buildings, and more than 260000 districts in prefecture level and above cities have carried out waste classification.

The Ministry of housing and urban rural development said: in 2021, the long-term mechanism of real estate will be steadily implemented, and the regulatory responsibility mechanism of ministries, provinces and cities has been established to strengthen policy coordination and linkage.

Promote the transformation of urban construction to adapt to aging, and vigorously promote the construction of new urban infrastructure.

Continue to carry out the action of creating green buildings.

Strengthen urban governance, build a national urban operation management service platform “one network”, establish a ministerial, provincial and municipal urban management system, and establish a governance risk prevention and control mechanism for mega cities.

Prepare the planning outline of urban and rural historical and cultural protection and inheritance system.

Fifth, implement the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutralization.

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We will resolutely and effectively deal with the risk of overdue delivery of real estate projects of individual real estate enterprises, standardize the development of the housing rental market, and rectify the order of the real estate market.

Nationwide, 55600 old urban communities have been newly renovated, benefiting 9.65 million households.

Organize and promote major projects of aging, renewal and transformation of gas and other urban pipelines.

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We will improve the deposit, use, management and operation mechanism of housing provident fund.

Take the implementation of urban renewal action as a major strategic measure to promote high-quality urban development, improve the system, optimize the layout, improve the function, control the bottom line, improve the quality, improve the efficiency and change the mode.

Implement the “key construction points” of county construction and promote the transformation of county construction mode.

Improve the project construction organization mode.

Source: CCTV finance and economics held a national conference on housing and urban and rural construction in Beijing on the 20th.

We vigorously increased the supply of affordable rental housing, focused on large cities with net population inflow, and raised 2.4 million affordable rental housing units (rooms) throughout the year.

Guide all localities to formulate and implement urban renewal plans and promote various tasks in a planned and step-by-step manner.

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We will improve the urban housing security system and guide all localities to reasonably determine the arrangements of the local housing security system.

In 2022, the prefabricated building area will account for more than 25% of the new buildings.

Fourth, implement rural construction.

We will accelerate the cultivation of a contingent of workers in the construction industry.

1.65 million units of shantytowns of various types have been renovated.

Guide flexible employees to participate in the housing provident fund system, and complete five high-frequency services such as the withdrawal of house purchases in different places.

Second, promote the structural reform of housing supply side.

The construction of new urban infrastructure has been accelerated, and a number of “new urban construction” projects have achieved results.

Adhere to the simultaneous development of rent and purchase, multi-body supply and multi-channel guarantee, and optimize the housing supply structure.

Unswervingly adhere to the positioning that houses are used for living rather than speculation, do not use real estate as a tool and means to stimulate the economy in the short term, maintain the continuity and stability of regulatory policies, enhance the coordination and accuracy of regulatory policies, continue to steadily implement the long-term mechanism of real estate, and resolutely and effectively deal with the risk of overdue delivery of real estate projects of individual real estate enterprises, We will continue to rectify and standardize the order of the real estate market.

Focusing on the modernization of rural housing and village construction, we will accelerate the construction of beautiful and livable villages.

We will improve the quality and safety assurance system of construction projects and the project quality evaluation system.

Rural construction evaluation was carried out in 100 sample counties in China to achieve full provincial coverage.

With the joint efforts of all parties, the operation of the real estate market is generally stable.

Implement the “key construction points” of rural construction, explore and form rural policy mechanisms and construction methods in line with local reality, and improve the rural living environment.

Carry out comprehensive urban physical examination and evaluation in cities divided into districts.

The bottom line control of urban construction was further strengthened, and the planning and construction of super high-rise buildings were strictly controlled to prevent large-scale demolition and construction in urban renewal.

Adhere to the bottom line, improve quality, strengthen order, promote transformation, and improve the development quality and efficiency of the construction industry.


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