Traditional industrial building structure management mode and challenges

Under the guidance of this “rule of things”, the management of industrial building structure is reduced to a simple post-rescue state.

In addition, the lack of technical support from professionals makes it impossible to effectively predict the possible damage of the building structure and obtain reasonable suggestions during the management process.

2) The construction of industrial buildings is separated from the construction management professionals, the quality cannot be guaranteed, and the initial technical conditions (including concealed works) are difficult to master, which cannot provide useful guidance for the future construction technology management.

That is, when the industrial building structure has an accident that has an impact on normal production or safety, the problems will be analyzed and solved.

3) There is no complete detection and identification system, technical status evaluation system, durability prediction system, and the technical status of industrial building structure (including the current situation and future development trend) is not clear, and the performance of building structure is in a state of control to some extent.

Industrial buildings serve all kinds of industrial production, with a wide variety and a large number, complex use conditions and often harsh use environment.

Therefore, operators often have the illusion that the plant will not collapse, and to a certain extent ignore the management and maintenance of industrial buildings.

5) Just build a house, no matter how to repair it.

Under this idea, the work stage of industrial building management is first after the building structure is put into use, but the real management can be said to focus on the deterioration period of the structure performance or even the moment when the structure has a harmful impact, and the focus is on the solution of single point problems, and the focus is only limited to the sudden damage of the structure, We don’t care about or even understand the progressive problem of the structure or the accumulation of structural damage.

The management of the building structure only focuses on the immediate and local problems, rarely considering the development and change of the technical state of the building structure in the whole use stage.

Keeping industrial buildings in good condition is a necessary condition to meet the needs of industrial production and ensure production safety.

This new development trend has brought great challenges to the construction management.

Structural appraisal specially invites experts in the field of industrial building diagnosis and treatment to analyze the safety operation and maintenance management of industrial building structure throughout its life cycle, hoping to help you better manage the operation and maintenance of industrial building structure! This article is the second part of a series of articles interpreted by experts: traditional industrial building structure management mode and challenges faced.

Without a post-evaluation system, the maintenance quality is not high, and even covers up some structural defects to a considerable extent, which has little effect on improving the safety, reliability and durability of the whole structure.

In this case, professional and technical personnel play the role of firefighters.

Please rest assured to pay attention.

Industrial buildings are a particularly important and special product, playing an irreplaceable role in the development of the national economy.

In order to ensure the safety of production and meet the challenges brought by the transformation of modern industrial system, it is necessary to scientifically manage industrial buildings, establish and improve the life-cycle management system of industrial building structures, and carry out lifelong monitoring and maintenance of buildings from the beginning of the construction period to the end of the service period in accordance with certain technical guidelines and management systems.

Ringlock Standard

At present, the existing industrial buildings have many complex factors, such as many types of buildings, complex building environment, different construction time, different positions, different structural forms, and different degrees of deterioration.

Where there is a problem, Go where you want.

The use of buildings adopts the attitude of “building houses, no matter how to repair them”, and the enterprise management personnel are innumerable about the technical state of industrial buildings.

In terms of production space, it is necessary to adapt to and meet the requirements of miniaturization, automation, purification, precision and environmental pollution-free production of products; The quality of space should meet the requirement of human-centered.

It is difficult to use the same means and standards for management.

4) The maintenance of industrial building structures focuses on the simple restoration of functions and the treatment of components, but ignores the hidden dangers of the structure.

6) The management of industrial building structure is insufficient, and the focus of management cannot be determined, which leads to low management efficiency.

The high-tech of new industrial buildings is increasingly obvious, and more attention is paid to the requirements of green energy conservation and environmental protection.

03 Challenges faced by the traditional management mode With the rapid development of science and technology, the degree of industrialization has been continuously improved, and the structure and function of modern industrial buildings have undergone qualitative changes.

02 Disadvantages of the traditional management mode The disadvantages of the traditional management mode are mainly manifested in the following aspects: 1) The early part of the building construction is relatively random, there is no scientific planning, and the environmental factors of the building structure are less considered when formulating the plan, ignoring the damage of the process environment to the structure, the uncertainty of the structure damage and the difficulty to predict and control, the damage to the existing building structure (including construction) The building structure cannot be served according to the design age, and the building structure function is incomplete.

During the production and use of industrial buildings, enterprises simply emphasize the output, which makes the buildings often in overload operation and accelerates the process of building damage.

We only detect the building structure after finding the problem and seek solutions.

Once there are serious problems in industrial buildings that affect production or safety, they will be in a very passive position because they are in a hurry and difficult to pay.

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01 What is the traditional management mode? Generally, the problems in the industrial building structure itself may not immediately have a serious adverse impact on the production of enterprises.

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It can be seen that the traditional management mode of industrial buildings is centered on “accident” management, which can be called “rule of things”.


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