The total construction area exceeds 150000 ㎡! A new commercial project will be built in this town. The scheme is being publicized →

Editor: Zhu Shaoyu*.

Please send the feedback letter to the administrative examination and approval service office of the Management Committee of Shanghai Jinqiao Economic and Technological Development Zone, building 14, No.

And indicate “project publicity opinions” on the cover of the letter.

Let’s look forward to it! The name of the construction unit of plot d1b-6 (commercial and office) project in central town of Caolu, Pudong New Area is Shanghai Zhaoke Real Estate Co., Ltd.

Recently, the planning and design of Caolu central town has been dynamic.

27, Jinqiao Road, Pudong New Area.

Swift Lift Anchors

Postal Code: 201206.

It is proposed to build a new commercial office project, which is equipped with sunken square green space, adjacent to d1e-11 project (see details → the total construction area exceeds 100000 m2! Here will be new office and residential projects, and the renderings will be seen first).

When these planning projects are implemented, the commercial and office facilities in Caolu town will be more complete.

the construction address of the project is Huahe road in the East, Jinshuo road in the South and Gutang road in the West, North to Jinzhao road △ main economic and technical indicators of the publicity map land area: 36249 square meters, total construction area: 154762.8 square meters, aboveground construction area: 92502.5 square meters, underground construction area: 62260.3 square meters, floor area ratio: 2.5 green space ratio: 20.0%, deadline for feedback on the publicity information of the effect map: September 26, 2021, and the letter shall be subject to the postmark.


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