The nucleic acid test results of all construction sites in the city were announced

Nucleic acid sampling at construction sites in the city was basically completed, and 27132 people were tested, and the results were negative.

Fixing Socket Cross Pin

Recently, the municipal prevention and control office issued the notice on carrying out nucleic acid testing for all construction sites in the city, which deployed to further strengthen the epidemic prevention and control of construction sites.

The quality safety station of the Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development took immediate action and made practical preparations.

Except for some township streets such as Simen, huangjiabu and Liangnong, which have just completed the full staff nucleic acid detection, the rest of the township streets in the city are within the full staff detection scope.

Reporter: Lu Yanna picture source: the most beautiful Fengshan mountain, Millennium linshanwei, Sino Italian Ningbo ecological park-.


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