The Eighth Continent: winning the highest award of French architecture in 2020

Climate change and sea level rise directly affect the future of architecture


The environmental problem that needs to be solved now is an unavoidable fact


Lenka Petr á KOV á designers are paying attention – Marine Pollution and protection


In fact, Petr á KOV á’s floating ocean research and restoration station design concept, called “the Eighth Continent”, has just won her the 2020 prize


This national architecture award is in recognition of outstanding contributions to the industry and is also the highest award of French architecture


The floating center is designed in three incredible glass forms that appear in the elegant spiral base


The Eighth Continent hopes to have a positive impact on the ocean by skimming water and recycling plastics


Petr á KOV á also plans to add the building to reality to support marine research projects and a series of secondary uses, which will help clean the ocean and promote environmental research


These two main needs clean oceans and promote research influenced Petr á KOV á to design the concept as an innovative project to solve pollution


This important requirement also influenced the designer’s decision to name the project “the Eighth Continent”


“Today, a large surface covered by marine plastic pollution is the size of a continent,” Petr á KOV á explains


“The one that grew up in the Pacific Ocean is called the Eighth Continent


For a long time, we have lived under the illusion that our actions on shore will not harm the ocean


But we did make hundreds of species extinct


“Petr á KOV á is trying to help break these problems through a new type of sustainable architecture


The Eighth Continent is divided into five programmes or functional areas: barriers for collecting waste and generating energy from the tides; collectors for sorting and recycling marine waste; research and education centres; greenhouses for treating water and growing plants; and living areas for supporting staff and researchers


In addition to winning the Grand Prix, Eighth Continent also won the “ocean Innovation Award” from the Jacques rugeri foundation


Here are the renderings and architectural lines of Petr á KOV á’s winning Grand Prix, which is likely to inspire more construction projects to clean our ocean


Designer Lenka Petr á KOV á won France’s 2020 Architecture Award for “8th continent,” a research station floating in the ocean..



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