The architecture is amazing! Quanzhou isolation Hotel collapsed, killing 29 people, insider exposure …

Once they appear, they are easy to lead to serious consequences, so the alarm bell must ring for a long time


All of a sudden, life has been overturned and gone


Novel coronavirus pneumonia was identified as a new spring fever after the Spring Festival


Some of the pictures in this article are from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author and source


Bribe 10000 yuan to build illegal building


With the deepening of the investigation, the whole process of some party members, cadres and public officials engaging in formality, going through formality, dereliction of duty and failing to keep the bottom line of safety has been gradually revealed, which eventually led to a tragic accident


With this shield, the illegal building was successfully built and put into use without the completion acceptance record, and the relevant departments did not carry out the follow-up supervision


On January 10, 2020, when Yang Jinqiang renovated the building, he found that three steel columns were seriously deformed, but Yang Jinqiang asked the workers to keep quiet


If they are carefully examined, they will never be approved


Source: CCTV news center, editor: Zhai Qiaohong, editor: Zhao Wen


However, due to their lack of conscientiousness and responsibility, they jointly created this illegal and life-threatening building


On March 7, 2020, the Xinjia hotel in Quanzhou, which is used for centralized isolation, collapsed


41 were punished by Party discipline and government affairs, and one was admonished


On March 7, 2020, the structure of the building was overloaded seriously for a long time, and it was already overburdened


Only then did he realize how serious the consequences of his actions were


For three consecutive days, he went in and out of the centralized isolation health observation point at random, and no one came to intervene


Yang Jinqiang then found Liu Deli again, asked him for a blank certificate, and made a fake one himself


If it involves infringement or the owner of the original right does not agree


In fact, this selection was made hastily without serious investigation and safety investigation, and leaders at all levels did not go to the scene to inspect


A total of 71 people were trapped in the building at the time of the accident


On the contrary, I have done harm to so many people because of my malpractice


When the hotel collapsed on March 7, 2020, Liu Deli, as a firefighter, also participated in the on-site rescue


Seven of them were suspected of serious violations of discipline and law, and were transferred to the judicial organs for criminal responsibility


Yang Jinqiang is the owner of Xinjia Hotel and the person directly responsible for the accident


As it is relatively far away from the densely populated areas, Xinjia hotel was selected as the health observation point for the centralized isolation of foreign personnel


Zhang Zhinan: when we go to the grassroots level for research, we are basically arranged, which becomes a formalistic inertia and bureaucracy


In this way, Yang Jinqiang obtained a special industry license


In order to save money and trouble, he did not go through any legal procedures, contracted the project to unqualified personnel and started directly


The next step was to go to the scene for inspection, but it also became a formality


Yang Jinqiang also asked Zhang Huiliang to apply to the district for approval of “housing policy under special circumstances”


Yang Jinqiang knew that his building was illegal, and once he was selected, he would not be able to pass


There are obvious mistakes in the inspection and acceptance opinion form and the materials with many problems provided by Yang Jinqiang, which were later approved by the leaders of the public security brigade of Licheng Public Security Bureau and the deputy director in charge


Yang Jinqiang had no sense of safety and responsibility, and thought that there would be no problem with the reinforcement


The investigation results show that the collapsed Xinjia hotel is an illegal building from the first day of foundation excavation in 2012, and it should not exist from the beginning


The declaration materials submitted by Yang Jinqiang are seriously fake and missing


The vast majority of them have no interest relationship


The fire department also has a major responsibility


So, he went to Huang Zhitu, who opened a tea shop opposite the fire brigade, and offered to give him the fire engineering package on condition that he could pass the inspection smoothly


It was this reconstruction that laid a major hidden danger that eventually led to the collapse of the building


Liu Deli, then deputy leader of the combat support brigade of the Logistics Department of Quanzhou Fire Brigade: we were all on the scene for seven days


On the evening of the 23rd, the third episode of “sticking to the iron rules” of the four episode TV feature film “Zhengfeng anti corruption is around us” was broadcast on CCTV comprehensive channel, revealing the inside story behind the “3.7” collapse of Xinjia hotel in Quanzhou, Fujian Province


In June 2018, in this building with serious security risks, Xinjia Hotel officially opened


In 2016, Yang Jinqiang added a mezzanine inside the building, changing from four floors to seven floors, separating several rooms


In 2018, Yang Jinqiang plans to open a hotel after adding floors to the building, so he must go through the completion acceptance and fire control record again, and get the fire safety inspection certificate before he can apply for a special industry license from the public security department


The receiving window is the first pass


The investigation conclusion of the accident investigation group of the State Council shows that this is a major production safety responsibility accident mainly caused by illegal construction, reconstruction and reinforcement construction


The disturbance of unprofessional welding and reinforcement operation finally broke the fragile balance at the critical point, causing continuous collapse, and 29 lives died suddenly


The housing and construction departments at all levels in Quanzhou are responsible for the supervision of construction activities and project quality, but the long-term illegal behaviors of Xinjia hotel construction have never been found and investigated


However, the investigators found that from the window of Licheng Public Security Bureau to the police, then to the deputy team leader and deputy director, all the people who handled it did not seriously audit, leading to the failure of each level


Formalism and bureaucracy are hidden style problems, which are difficult to find and deal with


This so-called policy is to replace administrative permission with Meeting opinions, and to examine and approve construction projects in violation of regulations and ultra vires, which is a serious violation of national laws and regulations


Three days before the accident, Yang Jinqiang also organized workers to the hotel to start welding and reinforcement work


However, Zhang Zhinan did not go to the quarantine point for inspection, nor did he make any arrangements or reminders to the local authorities about the relevant work


Liu Deli accepted a bribe of 100000 yuan from Yang Jinqiang, so he took some measures to prevent him from being selected for examination and passed the examination automatically


Most of them came from other places to Quanzhou for centralized isolation and health observation


Huang Zhitu asked Liu Deli, a cadre of the fire department who often came to the tea shop, to help him


After rescue, 42 people survived and 29 others died


In July 2012, Yang Jinqiang wanted to build a four story steel structure building


In order to build first and then approve, Yang Jinqiang found Zhang Huiliang, then Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Changtai sub district office of Licheng District, Quanzhou City, and hoped that he would greet the urban management and give him 10000 yuan on the spot


At that time, the fire record adopted the sampling system


However, they just read and sign directly


Among these 49 people, only a few people have received property from Yang Jinqiang


Vice governor’s experience of anti epidemic and final result: very guilty! Not long before the collapse of Xinjia Hotel, Zhang Zhinan, former member of the Standing Committee of Fujian provincial Party committee and former executive vice governor of Fujian provincial government, also went to Quanzhou to inspect the epidemic prevention and control work


Our duty is to save people


The investigation found that Liu Deli helped Yang Jinqiang muddle through more than once


Focusing on the accident, the discipline inspection and supervision organs investigated 49 public officials


According to the duty, the materials should be checked, but the window staff only receive the materials, not check them



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