Stone window cover design – classical architectural style (2)

The style of Classical Architecture tends to be solemn and generous.

In addition, the roofs of buildings are usually decorated with exquisite decorations to improve the aesthetics of buildings.

In the design, the whole building is required to have a magnificent momentum, but not too exaggerated personality.

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In terms of the plane layout and facade modeling design of the building, classical columns are often used as the composition basis of the building, and great emphasis is placed on the axial symmetry of the building, paying attention to the proportion and master-slave relationship of the building, so as to highlight the whole center and regular geometric shape of the building.

Therefore, the roof of the building mostly adopts the mengsha style design, and the slope of the building has a turning point, with a flat upper part and a steep lower part.

In the design of classical architecture, the three-stage composition technique is often used to create a solemn and majestic sense of architectural appearance.


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