Site selection and architectural layout of cattle farms

When building several cowshed buildings, the long axis should be arranged in parallel.

Small cattle farms without water towers and feed mixing rooms should also have water wells, water tanks (such as storage tanks), and seasoning rooms inside the beef cattle shed.

Cattle farm site selection 1.


Water and electricity requirements.

The cattle farm area needs to be built with roads that can provide passage for feed trucks, maintenance personnel, veterinarians, and other vehicles and staff under various weather conditions, and must meet the requirements of minimum road width and turning radius.

The cowshed building should include a tool room and a duty room.

The layout of various buildings in the beef cattle farm should be based on the principles of adapting to local conditions and scientific breeding management, with reasonable layout and overall arrangement.

The problems of theft prevention, sabotage and deliberate arson need to be fully considered.

Transportation requirements.

Site requirements.

It is best to build a cattle farm in a flat, dry, sunny and leeward area with good air circulation, low groundwater level, and easy drainage; The best soil quality is sandy soil, with good water permeability and breathability; A drainage slope of 2% to 5% is required in the site area for drainage and flood prevention; If building a site in a mountainous area, it is advisable to choose a sunny gentle slope area with a slope of less than 15%, arranged parallel to contour lines, and avoid building a site in areas such as mountain tops, valley bottoms, or wind vents.

The layout of the buildings in the cattle farm should also be based on whether it is convenient for management and other actual situations.

Plan roads around the cowshed and between the houses within the farm

It is necessary to meet the electricity requirements for heating, lighting, pumps, vehicles, etc.

Additionally, a backup generator set is required for use in the event of a power outage.


Safety and epidemic prevention requirements.

Wind and snow control.

The power system of the cattle farm can be connected to three-phase electricity according to the local power supply situation.

Windbreaks help change the wind direction in winter and control blizzards.

It is possible to fully utilize the windproof effects of existing trees, buildings, small slopes, haystacks, etc., but at the same time, it is necessary to pay attention not to hinder ventilation and drainage in summer.

in the cattle farm, and minimize the issue of drift voltage through grounding.

The cowshed should be built in the center of the field.

It should be neat, compact, save basic construction investment, facilitate the entire production process, and facilitate epidemic prevention, and pay attention to fire safety.

The editor of this article will discuss the site selection and architectural layout of the cattle farm together with everyone.



When the cowshed exceeds 4 buildings, it can be arranged in two rows side by side, aligned front and back, with a distance of about 10 meters.

In order to facilitate breeding and management, the transportation route should be shortened as much as possible, which not only benefits lighting but also facilitates wind prevention.




The construction site of the cattle farm should be selected based on factors such as transportation, epidemic prevention requirements, and the ability to create a good growth environment for meat calves.


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