Shaanxi Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development immediately carried out cross regional contracting business of construction enterprises, and required to set up branches (subsidiaries) to solve the problem

Notice of the general office of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development on the management of the problems concerning the establishment of branches (subsidiaries) required by the cross regional contracting business of construction enterprises Shaan Jian Fa [2021] No


27 housing and urban rural development bureaus of various districts, housing and urban rural development bureaus of Yangling demonstration zone, housing and urban rural development bureaus of Xixian New District, housing and urban rural development bureaus of Hancheng City, Shenmu city and Fugu County Bureau: now we forward to you the notice of the general office of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development on the management of the problems concerning the establishment of branches (subsidiaries) required by the cross regional contracting business of construction enterprises (Jian ban Shi Han [2021] No


36), and put forward the following requirements, please implement them together


First, the housing and urban and rural construction authorities at all levels should further unify their thinking and raise their awareness, immediately carry out the work of solving the problem of cross regional contracting business of construction enterprises, requiring the establishment of branch (subsidiary) companies, seriously investigate and deal with the illegal setting of construction market barriers, restricting and excluding the cross provincial contracting business of construction enterprises in the bidding process, and clean up and abolish the acts that hinder the construction of unified and open construction enterprises It is necessary to establish the regulations and practices of the construction market system and create a fair competition construction market environment




The bidding supervision departments of housing construction and municipal infrastructure projects at all levels shall comprehensively sort out the bidding documents of housing construction and municipal infrastructure projects in their respective administrative regions, and sort out the practices in the bidding documents, such as promising to set up branches (subsidiaries) as evaluation factors after winning the bid


If there are related problems, they should be rectified immediately


Three, the competent departments of housing, urban and rural construction at all levels should make public complaints channels in the new media such as the official website and the official account, improve the system of complaint handling and handle timely complaints and handle complaints and reports of construction enterprises in cross regional business activities, and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of construction enterprises


Before March 15, 2021, the competent departments of housing and urban rural construction of cities divided into districts (directly under the jurisdiction of counties) shall submit the local governance work to the construction management office in writing


Tel: 029-63915833 (with fax) Annex: Notice of the general office of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development on carrying out cross regional contracting business of construction enterprises and requiring the establishment of branches (subsidiaries) (Jian ban Shi Han [2021] No


36) Notice of the general office of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development of Shaanxi Province on carrying out cross regional contracting business of construction enterprises Notice on business requirements to set up branch (subsidiary) companies for problem management Jian ban Shi Han [2021] No.36 Department of housing and urban rural development of each province and autonomous region, housing and urban rural construction (Management) Committee of municipality directly under the central government, Beijing Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Commission, housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau of Xinjiang production and Construction Corps The construction market system, solid “six stability” and “six guarantees” work, decided to carry out cross regional contracting business of construction enterprises, required to set up branch (subsidiary) company problem management work


The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows: 1


The competent departments of housing and Urban-Rural Construction at all levels shall strictly implement Article 8 of the notice of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development on printing and Distributing Several Provisions on promoting the unified opening of the construction market (Jianshi [2015] No


140), and shall not require or require in disguised form construction enterprises to undertake cross regional business and set up branches (subsidiaries) in the local area Problems should be rectified immediately


The supervision departments of housing construction and municipal infrastructure engineering bidding at all levels shall comprehensively sort out the bidding documents of housing construction and municipal infrastructure engineering in their respective administrative regions, and sort out the methods in the bidding documents, such as promising to set up branch (subsidiary) companies as evaluation factors after the bidding enterprises win the bid




The housing and urban rural construction authorities at all levels should further improve the complaint handling system, establish a fair and efficient complaint handling mechanism, timely accept and handle the complaints and reports of construction enterprises in cross regional business activities in accordance with the law, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of construction enterprises


Third, the provincial housing and urban and rural construction departments should unify their thinking, raise awareness, strengthen organizational leadership, solidly promote local governance, seriously investigate and deal with the illegal setting of construction market barriers, restricting and rejecting the cross provincial contracting of construction enterprises, clear up and abolish the regulations and practices that hinder the construction of a unified and open construction market system, and create a fair and competitive construction market Environment


Please report the local governance to the construction market supervision department of our ministry before March 31, 2021


Contact person and Tel: Zhang Juan 010-58933262 58934964 (fax) General Office of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development January 22, 2021 (this initiative is open) source: Official Website of Shaanxi Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development 1


Shaanxi Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development reported 12 enterprises’ engineering performance fraud 2


Shaanxi Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development implemented the new revision of “Regulations on the quality and safety production management of construction projects in Shaanxi Province” 3


Shaanxi Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development adjusted the quota of construction permit for housing construction and municipal infrastructure projects




Shaanxi Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development printed and issued the guiding opinions on the implementation of notification and commitment system for social investment small low-risk engineering construction projects (Trial)




Shaanxi Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development clarified the issues related to the examination and acceptance of fire protection design of construction projects




Investment Management Office of Shaanxi provincial government Law of the people’s Republic of China will come into force on December 1, 2020




The Department of housing and urban rural development of Shaanxi Province reported the supervision and investigation on the rectification of the order of the construction market in the whole province




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