Research Report on Investment Strategy of Building Materials Industry in 2023 (Download Attached)

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Follow and reply “1” to join the free report sharing group and obtain the industry research report every day; Reply to “2022” to obtain a collection of 1000 industry reports Source: Internet (if there is infringement contact, the author will delete it) Access: Add customer service replies to the tail code Annual collection: 35000+selected research reports throughout the year to help you gain insight into the industry trend More information: 2022 industry information package Add research assistant to reply to the code 11799 for consultation, search In the context of 22 years of “stable growth”, the importance of infrastructure construction is highlighted.

From the perspective of segments, water conservancy and public facilities are the focus of infrastructure development this year.

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Under the background of continuous demand and investment, water conservancy investment is expected to continue to maintain a high growth rate.

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The real estate downturn in the past 22 years has combined with uncertainties at home and abroad, and infrastructure construction has become a powerful tool for “stable growth”.

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Previous recommended research report on China’s third-party payment industry in 2022 (attached.

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