Recruitment of Dali Xinhui Building Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd

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Salary: 3000-12000 yuan/month.

Location: No.

Send resume immediately.

Salary: 3000-12000 yuan/month.

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Xinhui decoration main projects: home decoration, work clothes, villas, etc.

Requirement: 22-30 years old | Education unlimited | 1-3 years.

Salary: 3000-12000 yuan/month.

Reminder: click the button below, Communicate immediately or send resume.

Number of people: 2.

Communicate immediately or CAD design/drawing.

Location: No.

Reminder: click the button below, Communicate immediately or send resume.

Communicate immediately or CAD design/drawing.

Details: Be able to communicate with customers independently, measure and sign the room, design, supervise the construction site.

CAD design/drawing Kujiale makes panoramic drawings New number of people: 2 people Salary: 3000-12000 yuan/month Requirement: 22-30 years old | Education unlimited | 1-3 years Location: No.

88, Heyang West Road, Heqing County, Dali-Heqing Bai Autonomous Prefecture.

Number of people: 2.

Details: Be able to communicate with customers independently, measure and sign the room, design, supervise the construction site.

The company has a scale of 600 square meters, three floors, the company has been in Heqing for more than ten years, good reputation, the quality has been appreciated by the owners, the company has always relied on the introduction of friends, or natural access to the store, the transaction rate is high, and there are many lists.

88, Heyang West Road, Heqing County, Dali-Heqing Bai Autonomous Prefecture.

Number of people: 2.

Reminder: click the button below, Communicate immediately or send resume.

Kujiale makes panoramic drawings.

Location: No.

Details: Be able to communicate with customers independently, measure and sign the room, design, supervise the construction site.

Requirement: 22-30 years old | Education unlimited | 1-3 years.

Communicate immediately or CAD design/drawing.

Resume registration and free recruitment of Dali Xinhui Building Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd.

Send resume.

Kujiale makes panoramic drawings.

88 Heyang West Road, Heqing County, Dali-Heqing Bai Autonomous Prefecture Details: Be able to independently complete their own communication with customers, measure the room to sign, design, supervise the completion of construction site Reminder: click the button below, Communicate immediately or send resume.

Kujiale makes panoramic drawings.

Requirement: 22-30 years old | Education unlimited | 1-3 years.

88, Heyang West Road, Heqing County, Dali-Heqing Bai Autonomous Prefecture.

Send resume.


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