Problems and Countermeasures in the Management of Engineering Archives and Data in Construction Technology

Data management personnel face many difficulties and obstacles in achieving comprehensive management in massive file content.

Improving the quality of archive management not only facilitates direct access in the later stages, but also provides timely feedback on the on-site construction process and related quality conditions of engineering projects.

Even if a separate archive and data management department has been established, due to the large number of engineering projects, the workload of data management personnel is also high.

This management method of drinking poison to quench thirst not only seriously affects the improvement of the quality of enterprise engineering archive data management, but also buries many hidden dangers for the later development of enterprises

In addition, the types of archival materials involved in engineering projects are not only complex, but also due to the influence of construction progress and other reasons, some data may be incomplete in themselves, and even some projects may be rushed due to construction; Problems such as accidental loss or delayed recording of data also occur from time to time.

Due to the consumption of manpower, material resources, and work energy in the work of archival materials, some enterprises, for the convenience of management, did not initially position archival management as an important department, and even directly assigned on-site construction personnel or various departments to share the task of archival material management; Influenced by the concept of enterprise management, employees only consider archive management as a secondary task and will not actively improve or improve the problems in archive data management.

During the actual management period, each construction enterprise is not only responsible for one engineering project, but the number of data files covered by the engineering project is relatively large.


The main problems in the current management of engineering archives 1.1 Insufficient awareness of archives management is influenced by traditional engineering archives management concepts.

Conducting in-depth analysis and identification of different document materials, organizing and archiving various project archives in an orderly manner, can ensure the integrity of engineering projects.

In the long run, some enterprises may use unreasonable data management methods to alleviate the pressure of archive management or cope with inspections.

The collection and organization of archival information is crucial.

To improve the effectiveness of engineering archives, enterprises not only need to clarify their future development goals, but also need to carry out management reforms and improvements based on actual situations.

Rubber Recess Former

Some enterprises have not yet realized the importance of improving the quality of archives and have not paid enough attention to the detailed planning of engineering archives management.

The diverse issues of archive data management not only put significant work pressure on data management personnel, but also create many obstacles for subsequent data archiving, management, and retrieval.

The neglect of archive management by enterprises is also related to the large amount of archive data and files, complex content, and high management difficulty.


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