Original | what is the linkage method between architectural style and floor area ratio in Shijiazhuang?

In addition, there are many projects to reward plot ratio


Welcome to pay attention to Yang Tao


There are three items of building groups, single buildings and building details behind, and each has a plot ratio reward of 0.02


They have not been planned at all and can’t be eradicated for many years


Fortunately, we finally see some hope this time


It is called “Kaleidoscope”


I put the excellent design evaluation criteria in the manuscript


First of all, I saw Article 8


The first reaction of many netizens is to find the content about the residential floor area ratio, because it is directly related to the demolition of the old community


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On July 18, the innovative measures for the linkage between architectural style and floor area ratio of residential areas in Shijiazhuang (for Trial Implementation) was finally issued


According to the adjustment plan for the plot ratio of residential land in the new three districts issued last year, the plot ratio of residential land in Luquan District, Luancheng district and Gaocheng district can reach a maximum of 2.5


If I think this top-level design scheme is too difficult, I will strive to make an excellent design scheme


For example, we can optimize the floor area ratio of the top of the house with a floor area ratio of 0.08, and we can provide a floor area ratio of 0.08 at most


If the innovative measures for the linkage between architectural style and floor area ratio of residential areas in Shijiazhuang (for Trial Implementation) can be implemented without discount, the urban buildings in Shijiazhuang will not only be able to live, but also have design, aesthetic feeling and artistic flavor, and will no longer be so rustic


As long as they meet the audit requirements of architectural style, they can get additional floor area ratio rewards


It is difficult for anyone to come


We will be there tomorrow


For example, I am a developer and want to build a residential community in the second ring road


There are all kinds of strange shapes


Just like the Bund in Shanghai, the ancient city of Xi’an, the Qinhuai River in Nanjing and the Pearl River New Town in Guangzhou, Shijiazhuang should also have its own urban living room and interface


The new secretary used a word to describe the urban buildings in Shijiazhuang


Otherwise, where will modern, international and beautiful provincial capital cities come from? WeChat official account is be there or be square


The city decided to demolish more than two floors, but the district withstood great pressure and reserved five and a half floors for the self built houses in shiliyin village


Without strong willpower, the leader of the government will soon integrate with the old ecological environment


Don’t forget to give us a message or look at it


The famous architects mentioned in it must be national survey and design masters, academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, winners of Liang Sicheng award, Pritzker award and other architectural awards


According to the evaluation standard of excellent planning and design scheme, if you meet the requirements of urban style, you can get a plot ratio reward of 0.02, and if you meet the requirements of street space, you can get a plot ratio reward of 0.02


We are less than five and a half floors


The floor area ratio of 2.0 is too low to make money, so I try to get the floor area ratio to 2.2 according to the requirements in the innovative measures one by one


Yang Tao.


Build the most houses at the lowest cost to meet people’s living needs as soon as possible


What about the architectural style? Recently, shiliyin village was demolished


But after anxiously reading the innovative measures, many netizens feel lonely


In short, the introduction of the innovative measures marks a new stage in the urban construction of Shijiazhuang


According to the newly issued innovative measures, when planning residential land in seven districts of the city in the future, if the developer’s design scheme meets the review conditions, each item will correspond to an additional building style plot ratio reward


Why is it illegal? Therefore, there is considerable resistance in Shijiazhuang to promote the full implementation of a reform measure


A number of shed renovation projects were yellow because of the change of plot ratio planning conditions


It is very professional


As long as the developer is profitable and can plug people in


So we see that when we squeeze out a piece of land in the main urban area of Shijiazhuang, we poke a high-rise building in the shape of a matchbox and the density of a pigeon nest


For developers, the reward plot ratio is equivalent to giving money, because more houses can be built on the same plot

. Short Waved Anchor

Xisanjiao village immediately expressed dissatisfaction


It’s no wonder that illegal buildings are everywhere in the main urban area


According to the latest regulations, the plot ratio of new houses in the second ring road shall not exceed 2.0


When all projects are superimposed, the plot ratio awarded to the developer shall not exceed 0.2


If my design scheme comes from a famous architect, or my architecture and landscape art value is very high, after expert review and municipal deliberation, I can get a floor area ratio of 0.2, which is equivalent to full marks at one go


In the past, with the influx of a large number of people, the first thing to solve in urban construction was the housing problem


I think it is more appropriate


Of course, this is not easy


If a total of five items meet the standards, the plot ratio can be 0.1 more


What is it? Let me summarize with a big Vernacular: the purpose of the city’s introduction of this “innovative measures” is to encourage developers to build houses more beautiful


You can have a look


As for the skyline, architectural interface, open space and color matching, we can’t talk at all



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