One after another, there are anomalies in Antarctica? Mysterious building discovered by US satellite, alien invasion?

Only some polar bears, penguins and other creatures who are not afraid of the cold can gather here


So the scientists decided to start immediately to find the exact coordinates of the image taken by the satellite


For example, more than 70% of the earth’s area is covered by the ocean, and human beings have always been afraid of the ocean because they can’t swim freely in the ocean like fish, and they don’t know what the bottom of the sea looks like


The earth is the home of all human life, but because of the mass and volume of the earth is too huge


So when scientists found that some mysterious buildings appeared in Antarctica, it triggered many speculations among scientists and netizens


Even if mankind has already become the ruler of the earth, the understanding of the earth is still very little


The scientists also said that there seems to be a diaphragm around these buildings


Even now, the United States, China and many countries in the world have begun to exploit and utilize the resources of the Antarctic region, but it is impossible for thousands of people to live under the Antarctic glacier


But scientists are still unable to confirm this conjecture with conclusive evidence


At one time, this has become an unsolved mystery in the world


However, when the US satellite was observing the Antarctic region, it happened to take a mysterious picture


Scientists speculate that this may be the base established in the Antarctic region of the earth after the aliens came to the earth


For example, besides our human civilization, is there any other civilization on the earth? Scientists have found many signs of prehistoric civilization on the earth for a long time, but because there is no written record, even if scientists guess that these ancient civilizations are real, or that these ancient civilizations were not born on the earth at first, it is likely that alien civilizations came to our earth to live


The biggest function of the diaphragm may be to isolate the cold, or even to hide the location of the base


Because the temperature is relatively low, there has never been any sign of human and cultural activities here


Whether there is something unknown hidden in the depths of the earth is also a matter that puzzles countless scientists


These may only be revealed when the scientific and technological civilization of mankind has been greatly improved! At present, the unsolved mysteries of the earth that human beings can touch have been gradually solved by scientists


Could these mysterious buildings be left on earth by alien civilizations? Antarctica has always been the most icy and snowy area on earth


This has always been a problem for scientists


Do you think the earth has ever been invaded by aliens? Note: some of the text and picture resources in this article are from the Internet,


However, scientists have been walking in the Antarctic for several days, but they have not found the building in the picture


It is not difficult to find that this is an ancient building from the picture


It is very different from the style of buildings on earth


Do buildings in Antarctica exist or not? Or is it just some light and shadow effects on earth? Is the image formed by chance captured by satellite? I don’t know what you think of this



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