Notice of Fengjie county illegal construction rectification work headquarters office on doing a good job in the control and investigation of illegal construction during the Spring Festival

In the process of patrol, if new illegal construction is found, timely organize forces to demolish it


The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows: 1


Fengjie county illegal construction and renovation headquarters office February 7, 2021 source: Fengjie county illegal construction and renovation headquarters office sponsor: Fengjie life network business advertising cooperation – Telephone / WeChat: 18696637833 help, release information micro signal: s1935002756 hotline: 023-56662385 [hint] Fengjie 630 WeChat official account is Fengjie life A small part of the content of platform can understand Fengjie 100 times through the app of


Adhere to territorial management and strengthen organizational leadership


5、 We should strengthen supervision and management and strictly enforce work discipline


According to the requirements of the county, the county demolition violation office will inspect all towns (streets and management committees) and, together with the supervision office of the county government, supervise all responsible units in the aspects of inspection, control of violation, demolition violation and handling of people’s letters and visits


2、 We will intensify publicity and guide the whole people to participate


They should perform their duties according to law and insist on doing a good job in the inspection of illegal construction We should investigate and deal with cases in a more serious and speedy manner according to law, and strive to form an inspection and control mechanism and work force of concerted efforts, joint management, and inspection linkage


3、 Do a good job in daily supervision and focus on key areas


Each township, street and management committee shall submit the inspection duty form of illegal construction during the Spring Festival (Annex 1) to the county demolition and violation office through the intranet mailbox before February 9


The signs of illegal construction should be stopped in time to find, stop, investigate and dismantle the first time, and resolutely put an end to all kinds of new illegal construction during the Spring Festival


Around the work goal of “eliminating the stock, strictly controlling the new, and further standardizing the construction management order”, all towns, streets, management committees and relevant departments should rebuild the momentum of controlling illegal construction, widely publicize the relevant policies and laws and typical cases of illegal construction by means of public columns, slogans, radio, propaganda cars, etc., enhance the legal concept of the masses, and encourage the masses to report and complain about illegal construction (county demolition violation office report telephone: 56557687), to create a good atmosphere of public opinion to prevent and control violations


Once the violation of work discipline, dereliction of duty and prominent illegal construction is found, it will be notified


Fengjie life network help micro signal: s1935002756 consultation telephone: 56662385 Fengjie county illegal construction rectification work headquarters office notice on effectively doing a good job of illegal construction control and investigation during the Spring Festival, Township People’s governments, sub district offices, relevant departments of the county government: in order to consolidate the achievements of the county’s illegal construction, further standardize the construction We will set up a management order, effectively prevent and resolutely curb all kinds of new illegal construction, and earnestly do a good job in the control and investigation of illegal construction during the Spring Festival


If the circumstances are serious, relevant personnel will be investigated according to law Responsibility


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4、 Strengthen the cooperation of departments to form the joint force of rectification


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County Planning and natural resources bureau, County Urban Administration Bureau, county housing and Urban Rural Construction Committee, county agricultural and Rural Committee, County Water Conservancy Bureau, County Forestry Bureau, County Environmental Protection Bureau, county culture and Tourism Committee, road administration brigade and other functional departments are the law enforcement subjects to investigate and deal with illegal construction


All villages, towns, streets and management committees should strengthen inspection, highlight key areas and key road sections such as suburban junction, “one river and four rivers” and tourist attractions, strictly inspect roads along roads, rivers and forest areas, and record inspection results


Especially in Zhuyi Town, Western New Area Management Committee, Yongle Town, Baidi Town, Caotang Town, Xinglong Town, Kuimen street, Yufu street and other towns and streets involved in the scope of land acquisition and demolition and the “Yudai Shuangzhu” project, it is necessary to strengthen the inspection in the area of land acquisition and demolition to prevent the masses from waiting for the opportunity to rush to build and build illegal buildings


All villages, towns, streets and management committees should conscientiously perform their territorial management responsibilities, formulate the implementation plan for the control and investigation of illegal construction during the Spring Festival, implement the leader led patrol system, and strictly prohibit new illegal construction within their jurisdiction



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