North company won the title of advanced collective of Provincial Construction

was awarded the honorary title of “2020 provincial advanced collective of construction” by Jiangsu Provincial Department of housing and urban rural development


Editor: Ma Yuling


Nine new projects were undertaken with a contract value of nearly 3 billion yuan, and most of them were in Beijing, Tianjin, Wuxi and other main markets


So far, the north company of our group has won this honor for three consecutive years (2018, 2019 and 2020); Comrade Zhang Tao has been awarded “advanced individual of provincial construction in 2020”


The projects undertaken by the northern company have been among the best in the third-party inspection and flight inspection of enterprises such as China Merchants Shekou, Vanke, Evergrande, COSCO, Xuhui, Longhu, Longji Taihe, etc., and have been praised


In 2020, faced with the serious impact of COVID-19, the northern company faced difficulties and tackled difficulties, and managed to maintain stable development of the production and operation of the northern company, and successfully completed the production and operation goals issued by the group


Quality, safety, technology and other aspects have made progress and maintained stable and good development


Beijing Sunhe and other four projects won the provincial “green wisdom demonstration site” or “Provincial Construction Standardization star site”


The brand influence of Yangjian is further highlighted, and the operation quality is further improved


The annual output value reached nearly 1.5 billion yuan, reaching a new record


Recently, Jiangsu Yangjian Group Co., Ltd


The general Party branch of the north company was awarded “advanced grassroots party organization” by the Party committee of Jiangsu provincial construction enterprises, and many party members were awarded “excellent party members” and “excellent party workers”



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