No one works for tens of thousands of monthly salaries. Why is there no successor on the construction site?

Raven Xiaowei’s work was first published on WeChat ID of Raven Xiaowei: CaptainWuya’s over age migrant workers are gradually leaving the construction site.

According to Tianjin regulations, if it is really necessary to arrange or use overage construction workers due to special circumstances, the construction unit shall verify the health certificate (valid for one year) of the overage workers, and reasonably arrange jobs according to the specific conditions of the project.

And if it is in the peak employment period, or the rush period, there will be some “commandos”.

They take urgent and short jobs and go to various construction sites that are short of staff for emergency help, usually ranging from several weeks to 1-2 months.

Rebar worker, 200-240 yuan/day, and newcomers will generally be assigned to lift the rebar and put iron into the rebar beam column wall.

The income is actually better than now.

According to the Statistical Analysis of the Development of the Construction Industry in 2020, by the end of 2020, the number of employees in the construction industry in China was 53.6692 million, 2.1438 million less than that in 2018.

Among them, the “duster” has the lowest technical requirements, generally about 180-200 yuan/day.

It is understood that at present, Shanghai relies on two ways to strictly control the employment of workers on the construction site: first, the real name system, in which all migrant workers on the site are required to enter the system to eliminate violations from the source of employment; Second, the supervision institutions at the urban level promoted, and six cases of over age employment were found in the special rectification in 2021, all of which were changed immediately.

There is also a monthly salary system, about 5000 yuan.

The wages of local workers can now reach 500-600 yuan/day, and once rose to 800-900 yuan/day during the Spring Festival, not including overtime pay.

In this way, compared with many white-collar workers, the daily salary is not less than a small one, at least more than that of the delivery boy.

In addition, Sun Chang also said that despite the high income of the construction site, it was not stable.

The construction site is not only difficult to attract new young migrant workers to enter, but also a few are “fleeing”.

After the document is formulated, all localities shall strengthen management to ensure compliance of employment.

The wages on the construction site are indeed higher than the original, but they are not high enough to attract young workers to work actively.” Wang Ming, who works on the construction site, said that the whole society’s impression of construction workers for many years is that they are not decent, and they are disheartened after working every day.

“It’s true that the daily salary is 300 to 500, but not every day there are workers on the construction site.

Why are young people unwilling to go to the construction site? Let’s listen to what the young people say.

The “big workers” on the construction site are divided into three types of work: concrete workers (commonly known as “ash workers”), steel workers and carpenters.

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According to relevant personages in the industry, in May 2020, after the domestic epidemic subsided, Xiong’an New Area started construction on a large scale, attracting more than 100000 construction workers.

I don’t want to go anywhere after work.

Sun Chang, 28, runs a vegetable shop in Dalian, but this time last year, he worked with his father on a construction site.

However, Wang Ming also said that the living and sanitary conditions on the construction site must have improved, and the extent of improvement is indeed limited..

The above income is the national average price, and in economically developed regions, the level will be higher.

In principle, it is not recommended to participate in the technical management of the construction site after the age of 65 years old” are added.

Recently, several regions across the country have issued documents to further regulate the age management of construction enterprises, explicitly prohibiting men under the age of 18, men over the age of 60, and women over the age of 50 from entering the construction site to engage in construction operations.

Is that true? Exactly.

Woodworking, 220-260 yuan/day for large mold group and wood mold group, with relatively high technical content.

The age “fault” phenomenon is serious.

This kind of “commandos” have emerged in recent years “only when the market demands them”.

In Xiong’an, in order to “rob people”, some units will adopt the daily settlement method, “cash will be sent directly and settlement will be made on the same day”.

Bind the reinforcement after getting familiar with it.

On the basis of local regulations, “It is prohibited for registered constructors and registered supervision engineers over 65 years old to enter the project site for construction management” and “The main technical posts such as deputy general manager and chief technical engineer of the project refer to the registered management personnel.

In recent years, the proportion of workers under the age of 40 has dropped to less than 30% and less than 10% under the age of 30.

“Since I was 16 years old, I have been working on construction sites with my father, mainly for plastering.” Sun Chang said, “There are more than 6000 and 7000 yuan a month on the construction site, and I don’t have to think about what to eat.

But why did he give up his job as a construction site with a decent salary and choose to be a self-employed man who doesn’t earn much money? “The work on the construction site is too boring.

Hubei Huanggang further subdivides the staff entering the construction site into three categories.

When I return to the dormitory, I just go to sleep, which means I can do nothing but work,” said Sun Chang.

Some enterprises have said that there are so many older workers on the construction site.

If such a ban is stricter, I’m afraid we won’t be able to recruit enough people.

At present, I’m self-employed, and I don’t have much profit without costs.”.

The wages of “commandos” will be 10%~20% higher than those of regular teams, and the working hours will be shorter, but the business is very hot these years.

The work hours are long and the intensity is high.

Why on earth are there no young people on the construction site? Because of low wages? This is not the case.

This time, many enterprises can panic.

Small workers can be recruited at 150 yuan/day.

Sun Chang also said that the lack of working and living environment for young people also made the construction site particularly depressing for him, because he was surrounded by middle-aged and old people like his father, who had no common language with each other.


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