[must see] it is a unique residential building in China, looking down like a flower

What is the roundest except moon cakes? The mushroom house in the round “World Intangible Cultural Heritage” cartoon and the big circle in the desert…

Did you guess? Piano sounds, Mid Autumn Festival reunion · thousands of miles of common Chan Juan now turn on the TV and lock in a comprehensive channel of CCTV.

Click the blue words above to follow us ~ mid autumn Mid Autumn Festival   I draw a circle for the Mid Autumn Festival by Festival once said that everyone lives in the East, West, North and south.

Let’s go to the stockade of the people in Yuanyang to have a look at the night talk of Huotang.

Flat Feed Anchor

Finally, this “round” is not only beautiful, but also pleasant to hear.

The mid autumn moon is more round.

“life circle” specially produces “I draw a circle for the Mid Autumn Festival”.

Let’s pray for the best “China wish” tomorrow with the “Chinese circle”.

It is said that the houses where the people live are also round ~ persimmon Ruyi desert is a place without grass in our impression, but why are the places we are going to next big green circles? Seeing the picture below, you may ask, isn’t this the mushroom house in the cartoon? Let me tell you, this is not a theme hotel or characteristic scenery.

What is the roundest in your hometown? The small circle takes you to find the unique “Chinese circle” in the festival.

Now follow the small circle to Yongding District, Longyan City, Fujian Province.

This custom must be different.

At the same time, the small circle will continue to take you to find Guan Fang, editor in chief of the different “China Moon”   Editor and director Yang Jing, Zhao Wei, Yang Donghong, sun Qiyang Editor Li Qingbo                 Send a small circle of flowers if you like 🌺。.

For example, there is one, “like a full moon, sound like a piano”.

More wonderful content is available at 8:38 a.m.


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