[memory] architecture can be read: Jiading Confucius Temple, the largest ancient architectural complex in Northwest Shanghai

It is said that there was a student who swam to the place of interest here and accidentally stepped on the bridge of number one scholar


The three archways are ingenious and simple in conception


After the emperors ascended the throne, they went to Beijing Guozijian to give lectures in person


Among them are the works of Yuan Dynasty calligraphers Yang Weizhen, calligraphers and painters Ni Yunlin and Gu aying, as well as the large character inscriptions of famous Neo Confucianism and educator Zhu Xi in the Southern Song Dynasty.


In ancient times, ordinary students could only pass through the side bridge, and only the number one scholar or officials could step on the middle bridge, so the middle bridge was also called “number one scholar bridge”


Don’t mistake it for a tortoise! 064 plaques began in Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty


In 2013, it was listed as a national key cultural relics protection unit


The culture of the ancient architectural complex of Jiading Confucius Temple in 800 years of history, as the source of local education and ritual music, Jiading Confucius Temple has cultivated a large number of talents, including the famous four scholars of Jiading in the Ming Dynasty, “Tang Shisheng, Lou Jian, Cheng jiasui, Li Liufang”, the great masters of Qianjia school in Qing Dynasty, such as Qian Daxin, Wang Mingsheng, etc


If you have a chance to carry out cultural and creative activities in Jiading Museum, you will also have a chance to take “Xuegong lion” home! The first gate of Jiading Confucius Temple in Panshui, which we saw in 0360, is called Lingxing gate


0272 stone lions in front of the Confucius Temple in Jiading, there is a 100 meter long stone railing, on which there are small stone lions carved from granite


There is an old street in front of 013 archways and Confucius Temple, which is called “Xuedian Street” by local people


Naturally, these three memorial archways praise Confucius for his profound knowledge and talent cultivation


However, the 72nd stone lion is often missing, and only a few lucky people can find it


Among the 300 existing Confucian temples in China, it is also one of the well preserved county-level Confucian temple buildings in China


It likes writing and is good at loading


It was called “Confucian Temple” in Ming and Qing Dynasties


Walking into Lingxing gate, you can see a semicircular pool called pan pool


Among the 300 existing Confucian temples in China, it is also one of the well preserved county-level Confucian temple buildings in China


In fact, the journey of Jiading Confucius Temple was officially opened from these three archways


In a hurry, he jumped into panchi to resolve his embarrassment


Confucian temple was widely built in all levels of local schools in ancient China, so Confucian temple is also the educational place of official school, so it is also called the school palace


Today’s Jiading Confucian temple covers an area of more than 11300 square meters


On the ridge of the roof is equipped with a kind of divine beast called “Qixi”


Today, let’s walk into the largest ancient architectural complex in Northwest Shanghai Jiading Confucius Temple ancient architectural complex Jiading Confucius Temple was built in the 12th year of Jiading in the Southern Song Dynasty


Over the past 30 years, Jiading Confucius Temple has been comprehensively repaired and maintained for many times: in 1961, Jiading Confucius Temple was completed and moved to Jiading County Museum; in 1983, the eastern stele corridor of Danghu Academy was added; in the 21st century, the people’s Government of Jiading District implemented comprehensive protection and transformation around Jiading Confucius Temple, and in 2006, Jiading Confucius Temple was built in Jiading County Museum Dingkongmiao has set up the first special Museum of imperial examination at home and abroad — Shanghai China imperial examination Museum, which vividly reproduces the imperial examination from the beginning of the Sui Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty, and comprehensively shows the 1300 year historical changes of China’s imperial examination system


In the Dacheng Hall of the Confucius Temple in Jiading, there are four plaques, which are Kangxi’s “model of all ages”, Yongzheng’s “no living people”, Jiaqing’s “Shengji Dacheng” and Guangxu’s “Si Wen Zai Zi”


Today’s Jiading Confucian temple covers an area of more than 11300 square meters


Under the stone tablet lies Mian


There are three archways at both ends of the street


0760 ancient steles the corridor of the Confucius Temple in Jiading collects more than 60 steles scattered all over Jiading


It is one of the nine sons of the Dragon and likes to swallow fire


Today, after the abolition of the imperial examination, the Confucius Temple has left a beautiful spot, not only a building, but also a mirror through the past and the present


Confucius Temple has many names, such as “xuanni Temple”, “wenxuanwang Temple”, “Dacheng Zhisheng wenxuanwang Temple”, and so on


For example, few people will notice that the seven stone steles on both sides of dachengmen are ancient steles of yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties


Although the lion is not a native animal in China, it has always been favored by the Chinese people as a noble and dignified king of beasts


Confucius temples all over the world should follow suit


It is one of the patrons of the courtyard


In 2021, the Jiading museum will start the renovation project of the Confucius Temple in Jiading again


In the history of Jiading, there are three top scholars in the examination, namely Wang Jingming, Qin Dacheng and Xu Ying


The students went to worship Confucius after they got the official title, and they could “revisit Panshui” only after 60 years


“Xingxian archway” in Song Dynasty, “Yucai archway” in Yuan Dynasty, and “Yanggao archway” in Ming Dynasty


According to legend, the Confucius Temple in Jiading was the seat of the county school in ancient times


It has been continuously repaired, expanded and rebuilt for more than 100 times in the past 800 years


In addition to the protective renovation of the building, the project will also focus on the restoration of the spatial form of the traditional ritual culture of Jiading Confucius Temple, the restoration of the complete pattern of the three main axes of “temple worship”, “Confucianism” and “academy” of Jiading Confucius Temple, and further adjust the functional zoning, optimize the tour route and improve the environmental quality


If you don’t pay attention to it, you will encounter a hundred year old thing


It is often used to carry inscriptions


In 2013, it was listed as a national key cultural relic protection unit, and is worthy of the national treasure level ancient buildings


Thus, Jiading Confucius Temple, known as “No.1 in Wuzhong” and famous in Jiangnan, is still the largest ancient architectural complex in Northwest Shanghai


On the middle gate is a Yulong stone carving of the Yuan Dynasty, carved with a carp leaping upward


043 people’s bridge the three bridges on panchi are called panchia bridge


At present, there is a museum of Chinese imperial examination in Jiading Confucius Temple, which vividly reproduces the changes of the imperial examination system from the beginning of Sui Dynasty to the end of Qing Dynasty


Interested tourists can also look carefully and count


Here, we can have a glimpse of the depth of Chinese traditional culture


057 beast Jiading Confucius Temple is full of history


As a Confucius Temple, the clock out point naturally needs “conventional projects” such as dachengmen, dachengdian and Confucius statue


Under the body is a sparkling water wave, which means that scholars can jump the dragon’s gate with carp


Then they went to Beijing Confucius Temple to give plaques to hang on Dacheng hall


The memorial archway is a kind of ancient Chinese architecture boasting merits and virtues


It is also one of the nine sons of the dragon


They have different looks and are loved by everyone


These three bridges are also particular


However, Jiading Confucius Temple has its own unique features


According to various historical records, there are 72 stone lions, which symbolize Confucius’ 72 favorite students



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