Linzhang local construction company recruits administrative drivers and clerks

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I wish you all a good job! 1、 Recruitment of an administrative driver: Job Responsibilities: 1


Responsible for the administrative affairs of Linzhang company; responsible for the maintenance, repair and cleaning of the company’s vehicles; assist in handling the company’s vehicle insurance, claims and annual inspection; 2


Responsible for the filing of business project data




Responsible for the communication and coordination with relevant departments and the implementation of specific affairs in the process of project progress; 4


Assist in handling daily administrative affairs


Qualifications: 1, male, college degree or above; age 22-35 years old, driver’s license, skilled driving skills, familiar with the local road conditions; no bad driving records, no major accidents and traffic violations, with a strong sense of safety; 2, proficient in basic computer software operation; 3, practical, honest and loyal, strong sense of confidentiality, strong sense of responsibility


2、 Job responsibilities: 1


Be responsible for the numbering, printing, typesetting and filing of various computer documents; 2


Assist in the daily maintenance of the public office area and conference room environment to ensure the office area is clean and orderly; 3


Be responsible for the communication and coordination with relevant departments and the implementation of specific affairs in the process of project progress; 4


Be responsible for the sorting of business project data File records




Finish other work assigned by department head


Qualifications: 1


College degree or above, age 22-35, male or female; 2


Skilled use of office and other office software; 3


Careful and serious work, strong sense of responsibility and integrity


3、 Salary: 3500 + five insurances, single rest, double salary at the end of the year, pay for words and meals


Working place: Linzhang


Contact: 13363076260.



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