Learn architecture and identify these 8 universities. After graduation, state-owned enterprises are eager to get them!

The proportion of the “old eight construction schools” employed in state-owned enterprises is higher than that of other types of colleges at the same level.



Tongji University Tongji University Architecture is a “double first-class” discipline, which was rated A – in the fourth round of evaluation results, and its strength goes without saying.

It has a long history and is also very prestigious in the “Old Eight Schools of Architecture”.

That is to say, the recognition of the graduates of the Eighth Old School of Architecture in the industry.

The architecture of South China University of Technology has a long history.

The Department of Architecture of Tongji University was established in 1952 when the departments of colleges and universities across the country were adjusted.

The Eighth Old School of Architecture has won its reputation and trust in the industry through years of accumulation.

The architectural art and technology involved in architecture.

Today, China’s architectural level is highly praised in the world, and more and more students want to apply for the architectural examination.

Tsinghua University Tsinghua University is an old architectural school.

However, there are still some rising stars who have made outstanding achievements in architecture.

This is because Tongji University is located in Shanghai, which has a high degree of internationalization and a large number of foreign-funded enterprises.

In the “old eight schools of architecture”, Southeast University may be relatively low-key, but its architectural strength cannot be underestimated.


In the fourth round of discipline evaluation, the architecture major of Southeast University was rated A+.

There is a saying in this industry: graduates of the 8th Old School of Architecture and graduates of other schools majoring in architecture.

Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, as a key high-level university in Shaanxi Province, its discipline strength can reach the B+level, which can be said to be quite good.

Traditionally, the strength of architectural design and historical building protection is strong, except for Tsinghua University and Southeast University, which belong to Tianda University and Tongji University.

Its predecessor is Xiangqin University, which was founded in 1932, and the National Sun Yat-sen University Institute of Technology, which was incorporated in 1938.


It seems that its strength is becoming stronger and stronger without merging.

Cast in Sockets

Architecture is a person who values “blood” and “origin” very much.

The Department of Civil Engineering of Tongji University, the Department of Architecture of St.


In the fourth round of discipline evaluation, Tianjin University, Tongji University and South China University of Technology were tied for A -.


What is architecture? Some students think that architecture is learning to build a house, but it is not so simple.


The group will recruit a large number of fresh students in these colleges and universities every year.

Undergraduate architectural majors include: architecture, urban and rural planning, landscape architecture and other majors.


After reading the profiles of the eight universities above, you will find a common point – these universities have a long history.

CSCEC is the most popular construction company among the graduates of the above colleges and universities.

Liang Sicheng in October 1946 and has a history of more than 70 years.

Tsinghua University’s architecture major has been ranked first in China for a long time, and is also quite famous in the world.

In 1952, the Department of Architecture of South China Institute of Technology was established.

The seven universities in front of it, all of which are 985, are still standing proudly, which is not easy, because we know that after the merger of universities, there are several universities that no longer exist, They are only one of the disciplines in 985 universities, so is Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology more valuable in comparison? In addition to the B+architecture, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology also has four disciplines that have entered the B+stage, namely urban and rural planning, landscape architecture, civil engineering, environmental science and engineering.

Summary: 1.

So what is architecture, and which universities are particularly strong in architecture? Let’s take a look together.

The employment proportion of Tongji University in foreign-funded enterprises (foreign-funded enterprises) is higher than that of other universities.

The School of Architecture has one national second-level key discipline (architectural design and its theory) and two provincial first-level key disciplines (architecture, urban and rural planning), which have formed advantages in subtropical architectural design, subtropical urban planning and design, Lingnan landscape architecture, architectural and cultural research, etc.

These eight schools also have a nickname, “Old Eight Schools of Architecture”.

Harbin University of Architecture and Chongqing University of Architecture can say that the current Harbin University of Architecture and Chongqing University of Architecture no longer exist, because as early as 2000, Harbin University of Architecture and Harbin University of Technology merged with the name of Harbin University of Technology; Chongqing University of Architecture was formally incorporated into Chongqing University in the same year, and the Department of Architecture was established as the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Chongqing University.

In a broad sense, architecture is a subject that studies architecture and its environment.

This is a characteristic of the construction industry.

The history of the School of Architecture of Tianjin University of Tianjin University can be traced back to the Department of Architecture of Tianjin University of Business and Technology founded in 1937, which has a history of 80 years.

Even if they are the same as architecture, each university has different expertise.

In the fourth discipline evaluation, Tsinghua University’s architecture ranked first as always.

Graduates of Tongji University are more likely to enter foreign-funded enterprises after graduation.

The Department of Architecture was founded by the famous architect Mr.

Each school has its own characteristics, and you can choose according to your own situation.

Southeast University of Southeast University, founded in 1927, is the birthplace of China’s modern architecture discipline, and Tsinghua University, known as the “South and North Twin”, with its strength far ahead of other universities.

This is because many graduates of these colleges and universities have entered construction employers, while many large construction enterprises are state-owned enterprises.

John’s University, the Department of Architecture of Zhijiang University and other departments were integrated, and some teachers from the Department of Civil Engineering of Fudan University, the Department of Civil Engineering of Jiaotong University, the National Hangzhou Art College and other schools were recruited.


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