[jianjianjiantong] 30 questions of bill of quantities, a must see for the introduction of cost!







What is the consumption quota issued by the construction administrative director? What is enterprise quota? What is the level difference between the two? Answer: (1) the consumption quota is the social average consumption of labor, materials and machinery required by the construction administrative department according to the reasonable construction organization design and under the normal construction conditions to produce a specified unit of measurement project qualified products




The owner bears the risk of quantity change, and the contractor bears the risk of price fluctuation, which embodies the principle of risk sharing


Regularly publish the price of various equipment, materials, machinery shift and various engineering cost index


This compulsion is mainly reflected in that the preparation of the base price should be based on the consideration of the reasonable construction scheme, according to the pricing specifications, pricing table and cost quota, and the material price should be determined according to the market guidance price issued by the cost management department of each city


(2) The comprehensive degree of the comprehensive quota is large, and the construction entity consumption and measures are not separated, which is not conducive to the enterprise to give full play to its advantages, actively improve the construction scheme and enhance its competitiveness




(5) Universality: in line with the international practice, in line with the requirements of the standardization of the calculation method of the engineering quantity, the unification of the calculation rules of the engineering quantity, and the marketization of the determination of the engineering cost


(3) The bidder is required to work out enterprise quota, carry out project cost accounting, and improve its management level and competitiveness


(2) Do a good job in the dynamic management of project cost and establish the project cost management information system


(2) Enterprise quota refers to the consumption of labor, materials and machinery set by the construction enterprise according to the construction technology and management level of the enterprise, as well as the relevant project cost data, and used by the enterprise


107 management measures for contracting and contracting of construction projects, the needs of China’s project cost management reform, and the principle of national macro-control and market competition


In order to effectively strengthen the government’s macro-control, we should change the government’s control of mandatory quota pricing into the formulation of bill of quantities pricing method to meet the needs of market economy


(2) The bidder is required to provide the bill of quantities and bear the risk of the bill of quantities


(2) Promote orderly competition in the construction market and healthy development of enterprises


(3) On the premise of meeting the bidding documents, the bidder shall determine the labor, material and machinery consumption and price according to the enterprise quota or the consumption quota issued by the construction administrative department, and the market price shall be formed


What is Bill of quantities? A: the bill of quantities is a detailed list showing the names and corresponding quantities of divisional and sub divisional projects, measure projects and other projects of the proposed project


(5) The bill of quantities clearly divides the engineering risks between the owner and the contractor


What are the shortcomings of the original budget quota pricing method? Answer: (1) the quantity and price are integrated, and the price lags behind relatively, which can not reflect the price of construction products timely and effectively in the market


(3) Change the function of our government


What is the significance of carrying out bill of quantities pricing? A: (1) it is conducive to the implementation of the principle of “justice, fairness and openness”




What are the requirements of the pricing method of bill of quantities for the cost management department? Answer: (1) do a good job in the compilation of consumption quota, and guide and regulate the market with consumption quota reflecting the average level of social productivity


What are the differences between the project settlement method after the implementation of the bill of quantities and the original quota method? Answer: the difference between the project settlement method of valuation by bill of quantities and that of valuation by quota: the comprehensive unit price of valuation by bill of quantities generally does not change, there is no price difference, and there is no need to adjust various rates




Jianjiantong media ID: jianzhong0011, what is the valuation method of bill of quantities? Answer: according to the national standard “code for valuation with bill of quantities of Construction Engineering (GB 5005-2013)” (hereinafter referred to as the Valuation Code), the valuation table of building and decoration, installation and municipal engineering (hereinafter referred to as the valuation table), cost calculation rules and project guidelines are used


The quantities are provided by the bid inviting party (the employer) and quoted by the bidder (the Contractor) independently according to the provisions Bid evaluation method: To evaluate the pricing method of winning the bid (to determine the contract price)




(4) The items in the list are simple and clear, which is helpful for the supervision engineer to carry out engineering measurement, the cost engineer to carry out engineering settlement, and accelerate the settlement progress


(3) The consumption quota reflects the average production and management level of the society, and the enterprise quota reflects the average production and management level of each enterprise




Requirements for preparation of bill of quantities? A: the bill of quantities is the basis for the bidder to quote, and is an integral part of the bidding document that is binding on both the bidder and the bidder.


What is the difference between the bill of quantities pricing and the original pricing method in the pricing procedure? Answer: the original pricing method is to calculate the direct cost of each sub project according to the budget quota, adjust the difference of materials, and calculate the comprehensive indirect cost, fees, other costs and taxes based on the quota direct cost or labor cost to form the total project cost


What is the purpose of carrying out bill of quantities pricing? A: (1) standardize the construction of market order to meet the needs of socialist development


(2) Unity: Four Unifications, namely, unified project code, unified project name, unified unit of measurement and unified quantity calculation rules


The bill of quantities pricing is based on the principle of “separation of quantity and price”, which separates the physical consumption of the project from the consumption of construction measures, and is composed of divisional and sub divisional project cost, measure project cost, other project cost, fees and taxes


According to the valuation standard, the large and medium-sized construction projects invested by state-owned funds or mainly invested by state-owned funds must adopt the valuation method of bill of quantities; other construction projects bidding according to law should adopt the valuation method of bill of quantities




(4) To create a market competition environment in line with international practice for the construction of market subject


It can not fully reflect the fair competition in the market, and it is difficult to assess whether it is lower than the cost price


(4) Practicability: in the pricing specification, the name of the project is clear and clear, the calculation rules of the quantities are simple and clear, and the project features and contents are listed, so as to determine the project cost


What are the characteristics of the valuation standard with bill of quantities? A: (1) mandatory: the provisions marked in bold in the code are mandatory and must be strictly enforced




(2) The quotation of bill of quantities can be carried out in the middle of design, which shortens the construction period and brings obvious economic benefits to the owner


The reference function of the base price determines that the preparation of the base price should be mandatory


What are the requirements for the preparation of the base price after the implementation of the bill of quantities? Answer: according to the law of the people’s Republic of China on Tendering and bidding, if there is a base bid price for a bidding project, it should be referred to in the bid evaluation


Bidding often becomes the actual rate bidding


(3) Further strengthen the supervision and management of the construction market


We should do a good job in the supervision of government macro-control and government investment projects


(3) Competitiveness: the consumption and unit price of labor, materials and machinery in the bill of quantities shall be quoted by the enterprise according to the enterprise quota and market price information and with reference to the social average consumption quota issued by the competent department of construction




(3) According to the drawings to calculate the quantities, apply the corresponding sub items, charge according to the specified rate, implement the document policy adjustment, the enterprise has little right to price independently


What are the main features of bill of quantities pricing? Answer: (1) it is mainly applicable to construction project bidding activities


Bidding and tendering are based on the unified bill of quantities, which makes the contracting work easier to operate and helps to prevent corruption in the construction field


The basis and principle of the preparation of the valuation standard of the bill of quantities? A: the valuation standard of bill of quantities is formulated in accordance with the bidding law of the people’s Republic of China, the Ministry of construction order No





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