It’s not superstition. It’s all handed down by the elderly. I have to learn architecture, home feng shui

Dogwood: can avoid disaster; 7.

Light a long light: often turn on the light at home to enhance the light, especially at 10-12 p.m.


on the first and fifteenth days of each month, light it at home for about 2 hours; 3.

[precautions for moving into a new home] 1.

[sofa geomantic omen] there should be a solid wall behind the sofa, not doors, windows or channels.

Herba Typhae and Wormwood Leaves: expel poisons and evil spirits; 4.


[fish culture and Feng Shui make you rich and lucky] 1.

Fixing Socket

The so-called disease enters from the mouth.

The gate faces the northeast, which has quick effect and makes money.

In this case, it is easy to argue with people, and Jiankang is easy to be troubled by mouth sores.


In addition, the front and back of the sofa can’t have mirrors, which is not conducive to the health of curtilage people.

The gate faces northwest and Li Wuzhi; 5.

Psychologically, it will lack a sense of security.

When selecting children’s room, it should arouse children’s imagination from the unique shape and lighting.

[bedroom taboo] 1 Lying in bed too close to the window can easily lead to red apricots coming out of the wall, and can easily lead to dreaminess and affect sleep.

The sofa has no backing.

There are many plants near the tomb.


The floor should not be uneven, otherwise the luck will be rough; 3.


People’s mouth is the same.

A tank of fish must have a dark black fish in order to stabilize wealth; 3.

Don’t put a big mirror at the head of the bed.

Clean up frequently and clean up dead corners in time.


Flowers should not be placed at the head of the bed, which is easy to have an affair and damage the feelings of husband and wife.



The fish tank should not be too large; 4.


Turn on all the lights three days before check-in, and keep it up until the day of check-in for three consecutive days and nights, so as to increase Yang Qi and wealth; 4.

These flowers contain the meaning of good luck and fortune.

This pattern is called no backing.

The focus is untidy – spleen and stomach.

The toilet belongs to water, so warm light and yellow light should be used.

The number of fish is suggested to be seven; 4.

Adjust the color: when decorating the house, use warm color and positive color; 4.

The gate faces north, which is conducive to work, easy to be promoted, and those who do business are easy to get rich; 4.

The sofa shall not be opposed to the gate, and there shall be no beam on the top.

Invite more friends to get together at home: increase popularity and masculinity in Feng Shui at the same time; 5.

Gourd: expel evil spirits and avoid evil spirits.

It is not suitable to put holiday flowers and plants in the house, which will affect love, marriage and wealth; 6.

If they are placed everywhere, they will lead the bacteria into the house.

[Feng Shui hidden danger damaging your health] 1 The garbage in front of the door is also a waste of money.

Often invite relatives and friends to get together to gather popularity.

Wupizi: commonly known as “ghost sees sorrow”, Buddhism is called “Bodhi Zi”.

It is the art of geographical location and layout in ancient China.

Be sure to check in before noon; 2.


The bedroom is overcast, and the light in the bedroom should be soft.

[family Feng Shui Yin Qi is too heavy to resolve] 1.

Peach tree: it drives away evil spirits and is said to be the essence of the five elements.

The aquarium should be placed in a dark place away from direct sunlight.

[geomantic omen – orientation] it’s sitting inside the gate and facing outside the gate: 1.



The total number of fish purchased must be singular; 2.

Feng Shui is a landscape evaluation system to find the auspicious location of buildings.

In addition to poor privacy, it will also give people a feeling that the door is wide open, which makes people have the intention of making trouble..


Willow: Exorcism.

Its scope includes houses, palaces, temples, tombs, villages and cities.

Those involving tombs are called Yin houses, and those involving houses are called Yang houses”.

The kitchen belongs to fire, and cold color white light should be used.

It symbolizes that the source of wealth is endless and difficult to measure; 5.

Sofa furnishings should be bent rather than straight, and there should be no spotlights on the top.

[Feng Shui in the living room that must be paid attention to] 1 It’s best to avoid seeing all the room doors in the living room.


The five fruits refer to pineapple, citrus, pear, jujube and apple, representing prosperity, sweetness, coming, early and peace respectively.

Cypress: it is said that it can drive away demons.

Luo Lihua, a master of the book of changes, pointed out: “the core content of Feng Shui is a kind of knowledge that people choose and deal with their living environment.

It is not suitable to install mirrors at the head of the bed, which will affect health.

The living room should not be dark, which is not conducive to wealth; 2.

Worship the five fruits.

The gate faces west, which is easy to provoke rotten peach blossoms, inattention, many distractions and bad interests, which is easy to provoke villains; 2.

The shoes in the small name hall (i.e.

It is generally used for family bottle insertion or potted conservation.

In terms of geomantic omen, it is a situation of scattered leakage, which is difficult to make money.

Recently, Taiwan scholars have mentioned? Feng Shui is the relationship between the earth’s magnetic field and mankind “.

At the same time, indoor plants should choose large leaves and broad leaves, not small leaves, flowers and grass, which means that trivial things will affect feelings.

[eight plants considered to have the effect of calming demons and dispelling evil spirits] 1.

Poor air circulation – emotional and respiratory infection.

The talisman seal of the artist should be made of ginkgo wood carving.

It can not be simply called superstition or science according to the western concept.

If the fish tank is next to the wall, photos of waterfalls and the sea can be hung on the wall.

Ginkgo tree: it is said that there is Yin spirit.

[Feng Shui at the entrance to the home] the entrance is messy and full of sundries and shoes, which will make people feel uneasy and affect interpersonal and emotional relations; The shoe cabinet should be sealed with doors as the first choice; At the gate is the Qi receiving position.


The lights in the living room should be high and bright enough to spread the lights throughout the living room.

The living room should not be hung with pictures of beasts: such as dragons, tigers, leopards, eagles, foxes, bears, etc., which is easy to damage the health and fortune of the family; 5.

Often open windows: increase sunshine; 2.

Sundries piled under the bed affect sleep.

Some people in the family are good at reading and prosperous; 3.

[the light bulb at home also has Feng Shui mystery] the living room and the porch belong to Yang.

The balcony belongs to gold and is equipped with bright outdoor lamp wall lamps.

[raising 7 kinds of flowers and plants indoors will bring good luck in the year] Fugui bamboo living room: the suitable varieties for the living room include Fugui bamboo, lucky head, Penglai pine, seven leaf lotus, fortune tree, money tree, fortune tree, Clivia, orchid, cyclamen, orange, etc.


The gate faces southeast.

Can develop good fortune and bring opportunities for success; 3.

from the door to the porch) are misplaced – respiratory tract infection, and the soles of the shoes are stained with countless and various bacteria.


Fugui bamboo, also known as Wannian bamboo, has thick green leaves, prosperous growth and wide cultivation.


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