“Into the construction industry” — introduction of senior and senior students — Architectural Interior Design Major

The arc of streamer falls at the end of the pen, surrounded by green, four seasons do not cruise, do not see the complex flat shoes, facing the future, let’s get to know my major of architectural interior design with my sister! Wonderful review 1


Introduction to the enrollment of the Construction Engineering Department of Hebei Vocational College of political science and law in 2021 2


Publicity film for the enrollment of the Construction Engineering Department of Hebei Vocational College of political science and law in 2021 3


[professional introduction] contact number of the person in charge of the enrollment of the Construction Engineering Department of Hebei Vocational College of political science and law in 2021: Mr Cui: 0311-87115968 18531188568 Mr Han: 0311-87115606 1 3315111458 enrollment consulting QQ group: 233261057 address: No.77 Xuefu Road, Shijiazhuang website: http://jsgc.helc.edu.cn/ Welcome to consult!.



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